2020 year, number 3
O.Yu. Pisarenko
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 101, Zolotodolinskaya str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia o_pisarenko@mail.ru
Keywords: бриофлора, мхи, Южная Сибирь, bryoflora, mosses, Southern Siberia
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The Altai-Sayan mountain region is part of the orogenic belt of southern Siberia; it covers regions that are heterogeneous in geomorphology, climate, and vegetation. This is one of the most rich and interesting Botanical areas of Siberia. A large amount of bryological data has been accumulated for the region. There is a need to generalize and analyze existing information, to assess its representativeness and state of knowledge on mosses for different parts, to identify “white spots” that require attention. Materials on the Altai-Sayan bryofl ora are compiled in a database and analyzed in the key of local flora concept. A list of the most bryologically studied areas is compiled for main subunits of the territory (Western, Northern, Central and Southeastern Altai; Salair-Kuznetsk region; Western and Eastern Sayan; Tuva). The list includs 115 key plots with links to data sources. The key plots are shown on a map. “White spots” requiring researcher attention are discussed.
T.V. Elisafenko
Central Siberian Botanical Gaden, SB RAS, 101, Zolotodolynskaya str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia tveli@ngs.ru
Keywords: реконструкция, реинтродукция, редкий вид, устойчивые популяции, мониторинг, reconstruction, reintroduction, rare species, stable populations, monitoring
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The problems concerning the restoration of natural populations are discussed in the article. A phased study of the processes of reconstruction of populations was carried out using six rare Siberian species: Allium eduardi Stearn ex Airy Shaw (Amaryllidaceae), Brachanthemum krylovii Sergievsk. (Asteraceae), Hedysarum theinum Krasnob. (Fabaceae), Viola taynensis T. Elisafenko et Ovczinnikova, V. dactyloides Schult., V. ingolensis T. Elisafenko and hybrid Viola x incissecta Vl.V. Nikit. (Violaceae). The conclusions are made regarding the success of restoration work for populations of each species based on the results obtained in the reconstruction process. Th e problems of choosing a place for reconstruction and genotypic matching of the donor and recipient are considered. Th e agricultural activities to reduce competition must be organized in the early years. It was noted that the temp of development and morphological characteristics of reintroducents correspond to the development of plants of natural populations for most species and this depends on the biological characteristics of a particular species. Th e possibility of reconstructing Hedysarum theinum, Viola dactyloides, V. ingolensis and Viola x incissecta in existing cenoses has been identifi ed. Th e search for new reconstruction sites for V. taynensis and the use of translocation and repatriation (in vitro) for Brachanthemum krylovii are necessary.
Yu.V. Naumenko
Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS, 101, Zolotodolinskaya str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia Naumenko55@ngs.ru
Keywords: водоросли, таксономический состав, минеральный источник, сапробность, Западная Сибирь, algae, taxonomic composition, mineral spring, saprobity, Western Siberia
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For the first time, a mineral spring was investigated in the Novosibirsk region, located in the spurs of the Salair ridge (Western Siberia). The material for this article is the results of processing 25 algological samples collected in July and October 2018. Deposits and films of algae were removed from the pebbles, concrete and iron gutters, carried out squeezing of mosses growing in the stream, and collected silt from the bottom. During the collection of the material, the temperature and pH of the water were measured. The algae was examined using a “Amplival” Carl Zeiss Jena light microscope when magnifi ed from 640 to 1600 times. The list of algae includes 58 species belonging to 30 genera, 19 families, and 4 divisions. It was found that the basis of algoflora is diatoms and green algae. The dominants of Meridion circulare and Diatoma mesodon were identified. An ecological and geographical analysis was carried out, according to which the algoflora is represented by benthic species, with a predominance of indifferent forms in relation to the halobicity and active reaction of the environment. The marked predominance of betamethasone and oligosaprobic. Cosmopolitans and boreal species dominated geographically.
A.Yu. Korolyuk, E.A. Korolyuk, M.P. Tishenko
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 101, Zolotodolinskaya str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia akorolyuk@rambler.ru
Keywords: флористические находки, Новосибирская область, Stipa, floristic findings, Novosibirskaya oblast, Stipa
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The study of the fl ora of Novosibirsk Oblast provided the records of new species of Stipa genus: S. dasyphylla , S. lessingiana , S. pulcherrima , S. praecapillata , as well as new finds of the rare and endangered S. zalesskii . Th e work was based on the studies of vegetation cover in the territory of Novosibirsk Oblast that had been conducted since 1987. In the course of those studies, a database of georeferenced geobotanical relevés was compiled in IBIS 7.2 environment. It facilitated the query of vegetation plots containing Stipa plants. In the given study, we show the distribution of Stipa species within Novosibirsk Oblast, give their phytocoenotic and ecological characteristics, and provide the identification key to nine species growing in the region. At present, nine Stipa species grow in the territory of Novosibirsk Oblast. Three of them are widely distributed within the steppe and forest-steppe zones: S. capillata , S. pennata , and S. zalesskii . Five species are known from a limited number of sites. Th e species S. dasyphylla rarely occurs as a component of rich forb - bunchgrass meadow steppes confined to dry valley slopes on the right bank of the Ob’. Th e species S. pulcherrima was recorded in rich forb - bunchgrass steppes covering the only dry valley network. Th e species S. borysthenica is a facultative psammophyte characteristic for sandy steppes of the steppe zone. In the territory of Novosibirsk Oblast, it prevails in Stipa steppes confined to sandy soils in Kupinsk District. The three species, Stipa lessingiana , S. praecapillata , and S. korshinskyi , were recorded in forb - bunch grass true steppes in the south-west of the Oblast abut with Kazakhstan. This territory features the least amount of precipitation and high temperatures, while the communities with the rare Stipa species represent the most xeric variants of steppes of Novosibirsk Oblast. Th e species S. dasyphylla and S. pulcherrima are listed in the Red Data book of the Russian Federation (Krasnaya kniga…, 2008) and to be entered to the next edition of the Red Data book of Novosibirsk Oblast. Stipa borys thenica is a dominant species of sandy steppes that are exceptionally rare for Novosibirsk Oblast. Th e species Stipa lessingiana , S. praecapillata and S. korshinskyi that grow in forb - bunchgrass true steppes in the south-west of the Oblast are also rare. High anthropogenic load represents a critical threat to the existence of steppe ecosystems.
T.V. An’kova1, P.D. Gudkova2, N.S. Nuzhdina1, I.Yu. Selyutina1, I.E. Smelyanskiy3, S.V. Titova4
1Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 101, Zolotodolinskaya str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia ankova_tv@mail.ru 2Altai State University, 61, Lenina Av., Barnaul, 656049, Russia 3LLC “Sibecocenter”, 20A, Rogacheva str., Berdsk, Novosibirsk Oblast, 633009, Russia 4Institute of Geography RAS, 29, Staromonetniy lane, Moscow, 119017, Russia
Keywords: Красная книга Алтайского края, Красная книга Российской Федерации, новые местона хождения, плейстоценовый реликт, сосудистые растения, флористические находки, floristic findings, Red Book of Altai Krai, Red Book of the Russian Federation, new locations, vascular plants, Pleistocene relicts
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Monitoring of known locations and finding of new populations of species listed in the Red Book are necessary for the adoption of effective protection measures: the creation of specially protected natural area regulation of economic activities. The foothills of the Western Altai, a unique region of humid true herb-rich-bunchgrasses steppe communities, is the key importance for the conservation of biodiversity of the steppes of Russia and needs special attention of environmental organizations (Smelyanskiy et al., 2005). In 2011-2018 field studies of large steppe massifs of several admini strative regions of the Altai Krai: Zmeinogorskiy, Krasnoshchekovskiy, Kuryinskiy, Loktevskiy, Tretyakovskiy, Shipunovskiy, were conducted. The studies were carried out by the route method for floristic study and find locations of rare Red Book’s species, some vouchers were send in the Herbarium of the Central Siberian Garden SB RAS [NS] (USU 440534). We found 63 locations for 19 rare species (of Alliaceae, Asphodelaceae, Brassicaceae, Dipsacaceae, Fabaceae, Fumariaceae, Iridaceae, Liliaceae, Malvaceae, Paeoniaceae, Poaceae, Polyganaceae, Ranunculaceae families). Locations are pointed on maps (Figs. 1, 2, 3). There are species of the Red Book of Altai Krai: Allium fl avescens Besser, A. tulipifolium Ledeb., Ere murus altaicus (Pall.) Steven, Galitzkya spatulata (Steph. ex Willd.) V.V. Botschantz., Scabiosa austro-altaica Bobrov, Oxy tropis inaria (Pall.) DC., Oxytropis setosa (Pall.) DC., Corydalis schanginii (Pall.) B. Fedtsch., Iris glaucescens Bunge, Tu lipa patens C. Agardh ex Schult Schult.f., Alcea froloviana (Litv.) Iljin, A. nudifl ora (Lindl.) Boiss., Paeonia hybrida Pall., Atraphaxis frutescens (L.) K. Koch, Adonis wolgensis Steven ex DC. Among them 30 new locations discovered for 12 species, including Stipa dasyphylla (Lindem.) Trautv. and S. zalesskii Wilensky of Red Data Book of the Russian Federation. We find the second location in Altai Krai for Allium fl avescens , the tird - for Galitzkya spatulata and Alcea nudifl ora . We found Astragalus depauperatus Ledeb. and A. macropterus DC. at the north-western borders of areal. Both species are Pleistocene relicts, very rare in Altai Krai, spread sporadically own areals, due to stenotopic ecological valence. We recommend to including their in the Red Book of Altai Krai with status 3a (rare species). Findings populations of rare species are in well condition. The presented data can be used for the reprint of the Red Book and Checklist flora of Altai Krai.
I.A. Gorbunova
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 101, Zolotodolinskaya str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia fungi2304@gmail.com
Keywords: агарикоидные базидиомицеты, Красная книга, охрана, редкие виды, Россия, agaricoid basidiomycetes, rare species, Red Book, Russia, protection
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The information about rare species of agaricoid basidiomycetes, included in the IUCN Red List of Th reatened Species with category VU are listed. In total 5 species of agaricoid basidiomycetes are described: Arrhenia discorosea , Baeospora myriadophylla , Hygrocybe spadicea , Hygrocybe punicea , Tricholoma acerbum . Specimens are deposited in the M.G. Popov Herbarium (NSK) at the Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The article provides detailed information on the distribution of the listed agaricoid basidiomycetes in Western Siberia, Russia and around the world, specifies the ecology and biology, outlines the key threats and protection in Russia. A map with the locations of these species in the south of Western Siberia is presented.
V.I. Troshkina, S.V. Ovchinnikova
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 101, Zolotodolinskaya str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia vitroshkina@csbg.nsc.ru
Keywords: Geraniaceae, Geranium pseudosibiricum, typification, M.G. Popov Herbarium (NSK), Lake Baikal, Geraniaceae, Geranium pseudosibiricum, типификация, Гербарий им. М.Г. Попова (NSK), озеро Байкал
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Typification of names was performed for two varieties of Geranium pseudosibiricum J. Mäyer - G. pseudosibiricum var. uschkanense (Popov) Peschkova and G. pseudosibiricum var. subuschkanense (Popov) Peschkova - described by M.G. Popov from the shores of Lake Baikal. Type specimens of the varieties are present in M.G. Popov Herbarium (N SK), their categories are indicated, data from protologues are cited, and notes are provided.
V.M. Vasjukov
Samara Federal Research Scientific Center of RAS, Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin of the RAS, 10, Komzina str., Tolyatti, Samara region, Russian Federation, 445003 vvasjukov@yandex.ru
Keywords: Thymus, юг Восточной Сибири, Забайкальский край, Иркутская область, Республика Бурятия, Thymus, South of Eastern Siberia, Zabaikalsky Krai, Irkutsk region, Republic of Buryatia
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In the South of Eastern Siberia (within the Irkutsk region, the Republic of Buryatia and the Zabaikalsky Krai) there are 26 species of the genus Thymus (Lamiaceae): Th. altaicus Klokov et Des.-Shost., Th. baicalensis Serg., Th . bituminosus Klokov, Th . chamarensis Vasjukov, Th . crenulatus Klokov, Th . dahuricus Serg., Th . elegans Serg., Th. eravinensis Serg., Th. evenkiensis Byczenn., Th. eubaicalensis Klokov, Th. iljinii Klokov et Des.-Shost., Th . inaequalis Klokov, Th . jenisseensis Iljin, Th . jurtzevii Vasjukov, Th . komarovii Serg., Th . lenensis Vasjukov, Th . malyschevii Vasjukov, Krivenko et Kazanovsky, Th . minussinensis Serg., Th . mongolicus (Ronniger) Ronniger, Th . nerzecnsis Klokov, Th . pavlovii Serg., Th . phyllopodus Klokov, Th . reverdattoanus Serg., Th . sibiricus Klokov et Des.-Shost., Th. tonsilis Klokov, Th. turczaninovii Serg., including the recently described for science - Th . chamarensis Vasjukov, Th . jurtzevii Vasjukov, Th . lenensis Vasjukov, Th . malyschevii Vasjukov, Krivenko et Kazanovsky; the following is the abstract and a key for their determination.
A.S. Prokopyev, T.N. Kataeva, T.N. Belyaeva
Siberian Botanical Garden of the Tomsk State University, 36, Lenina str., Tomsk, 634050, Russia rareplants@list.ru
Keywords: Sedum hybridum, ценопопуляции, онтогенез, онтогенетические состояния, генета, рамета, Западная Сибирь, Sedum hybridum, population, ontogeny, ontogenetic stages, geneta, rameta, Western Siberia
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Sedum hybridum L. belongs to perennial herbaceous succulent-leaf plants of the Crassulaceae family. In Siberia, the species is common in the steppe zone and lower zones of mountain systems. In the southern part of forest zone, it founds fragmentarily along open slopes and cliffs with steppe vegetation. S. hybridum is a valuable medicinal, ornamental and honey plant. Due to the limited distribution in the Tomsk region, this species recommended for protection. The article presents the results of in vivo ontogeny study for S. hybridum in the southern part of forest zone in Western Siberia (within the Tomsk region). The development of individuals include 4 periods and 10 ontogenetic stages. The seeds are small, obovate, dark brown and ripen in August. In laboratory testing, seeds have high germination, which significantly related with seeds photosensitivity. Seedlings are few, appear immediately after ripening and dissemination, or in the next year spring. In the early stages of ontogenesis, the development of individuals proceeds slowly. At least 5-6 years plants pass before the first blossom. The generative period is the longest stage in the life circle of individuals. In a middle-aged generative state, individuals reach their maximal development and begin active vegetative propagation, which subsequently leads to its disintegration into new individuals. New formed clone consists of the old parental generative individual - a genet and separated particles - the ramets. Ramets formation is the results of normal or traumatic plants partitioning. They have a little bit rejuvenation (to a virgin state) and themselves are capable of repeated partitioning. Further development of ramets are similar to the development of individuals of seed origin. The transition to the postgenerative period accompanied by the gradual destruction of the perennial part of the individual with the formation of already non-viable particles. Thus, in nature, S. hybridum extremely rarely passages the complete life cycle by one seed originated individual without formation of vegetative progeny. Ontogenesis of this species is complete, complex and includes genets and ramets ontogeny.
V.A. Cheryomushkina1, K.A. Bobokalonov2
1Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 101, Zolotodolinskaya str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia cher.51@mail.ru 2Institute of Botany, Physiology and Plant Genetics, AS Republic Tajikistan, 27, Karamova str., Dushanbe, 734017, Tajikistan kobil_5@bk.ru
Keywords: Ziziphora pamiroalaica, Lamiaceae, подушковидная жизненная форма, онтогенез, морфо генез, Таджикистан, Ziziphora pamiroalaica, Lamiaceae, cushion life form, ontogenesis, morphogenesis, Tajikistan
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The ontomorphogenesis of Z. pamiroalaica (Lamiaceae) was studied in the conditions of the Western Pamir (Tajikistan). The ontogenesis of individuals is complex and consists of the ontogenesis of the seed individual and the partial ontogenesis of the particles. In ontogenesis of an individual, the following phases of morphogenesis change: primary shoot (p, j) - primary bush (im-g2) - clone (g3-ss). It is established that in the belt of cryophilic vegetation at an altitude of over 4000 m above sea level. m. a cushion life form is formed in the species. It is shown that the cushion structure is formed by two types of sympodially growing skeletal axes: orthotropic and plagiotropic. The nature of the death of shoots in the structure of the cushion corresponds to the death of shoots of the semi-wood type. The distinctive features of the ontomorphogenesis of individuals of the species were revealed: later (in the mature generative state) the formation of the cushion, the fragility of orthotropic branched skeletal axes, the death of the main root and the formation of a clone, the duration of ontogenesis up to 25-28 years.