2019 year, number 1
L.A. Medvedeva, T.V. Nikulina
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity”, FEB RAS, 690022, Vladivostok, 100 letia Vladivostok str., 159 medvedeva@ibss.dvo.ru
Keywords: альгофлора, сравнительный анализ, семейство, род, Дальний Восток России, algae flora, comparative analysis, family, genus, Far East Russia
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Consolidated taxonomic list of freshwater algae of the continental part of the south of the Far East Russia includes 2887 species (3646 species and intraspecies taxa) of 574 genera, 212 families, 96 orders, 29 classes and 11 divisions. The algal flora of the region is characterized as a rich and diverse complex of species from diff erent taxonomic groups, the divisions of Bacillariophyta and Charophyta are the most representative. Th e families Desmidiaceae , Euglenaceae , Naviculaceae , Pinnulariaceae and Bacillariaceae have leading places in the systematic structure of the flora. Leading genera are Cosmarium , Pinnularia , Staurastrum , Closterium and Navicula . A comparative analysis of the data with available published information from other regions was carried out. The freshwater algal fl ora of the southern part of the Far East has features of both northern and southern florae and occupies worthy place in terms of biodiversity and degree of study.
T.Yu. Tolpysheva1, E.A. Shishkonakova2
1Lomonosov State University, Department Biology, 119234, Moscow, Leninskiji Gory, 1 tolpysheva@mail.ru 2Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, 119017, Moscow, Pyzhevskiy lane, 7 3005k@mail/ru
Keywords: лишайники, охраняемые территории, Западная Сибирь, lichens, protected areas, West Siberia
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127 lichen species (71 epigeous species and 56 epiphytic species) were discovered in the south part of Regional Park “Numto”. Full inventory of lichen species is given. 12 lichen species were found only one time. Species from Cladoniaceae family prevail among epigeous lichens whereas species from Parmeliaceae family dominate among epiphytics.
N.V. Sedelnikova
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 sedelnikova-csbg@mail.ru
Keywords: светлохвойные фитоценозы, лихеносинузия, лишайник, доминант, содоминант, по стоянный вид, лиственничный лес, сосновый лес, Республика Тыва, lightconiferous phytocoenosis, lichensynusia, lichen, dominant, sodominant, constant, larix forest, pine forest, Republic Tuva
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For the first time were analysed lichen complexes of the main mountain lightconiferous phytocoenosis of the forest belt of Republic Tuva.
V.A. Kuptsova, V.V. Chakov, E.N. Zakharchenko
Institute of Water and Ecology Problems, FEB RAS, 680000, Khabarovsk, Dikopoltseva str., 56 victoria@ivep.as.khb.ru
Keywords: олиготрофные мхи, сфагновые биогеоценозы, видовое разнообразие, линейный прирост, продуктивность, морские террасы, Приамурье, oligotrophic mosses, Sphagnum biogeoceonosis, species diversity, linear growth, productivity, sea terraces, Amur Region
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Eighteen Sphagnum species belonging to the sections Acutifolia , Sphagnum and Cuspidata are identified in the moss cover of oligotrophic bogs developed on the surfaces of high sea terraces on the mainland coast of the Tatar Strait and the adjacent bogs of the Udyl-Kizinskaya Lowland. Data on the biological productivity of the two dominant species, Sphagnum fuscum and S. magellanicum , are given.
O.D. Nikiforova
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 Nikiforovansk@yandex.ru
Keywords: Polygonaceae, типовые гербарные образцы, типификация, Гербарий имени М.Г. Попова, NSK, Polygonaceae, type herbarium specimens, typification, M.G Popov Herbarium, NSK
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The article contains information about the type materials of 10 taxa of the genera Polygonum and Rumex ( Polygonaceae ), kept in M.G. Popov Herbarium of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS (NSK). In collections 25 type specimens were found, including the 1 lectotype and 4 isolectotypes, 4 holotypes, 7 isotypes, and 9 paratypes. Typical specimens of Rumex ursinus Maximova saved in the Herbarium NS are cited. Two lectotypes, 2 holotypes and 1 isotype from Herbarium LE, as well as 17 samples from virtual collections of foreign herbariums are indicated. The type category is indicated, text of the original label and text of protologue are cited for each specimen.
O.Yu. Yurkevich1, T.E. Samatadze1, S.A. Zoshchuk1, S.I. Romashkina2, I.Yu. Selyutina3, A.V. Amosova1, O.V. Muravenko1
1Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, RAS, 119991, Moscow, Vavilov str., 32 olikys@gmail.com 2All-Russian Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 17216, Moscow, Green str., 7 Romashkin69@inbox.ru 3Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 selyutina.inessa@mail.ru
Keywords: Hedysarum, хромосомный полиморфизм, FISH-анализ, 45S и 5S рДНК, Hedysarum, chromosome polymorphism, FISH-analysis, 45S and 5S rDNA
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Inter-population chromosomal polymorphism in medicinal plant Hedysarum neglectum ( Fabaceae family) was studied with the use of molecular cytogenetic markers. Our findings indicated the high variability of distribution patterns of clusters ribosomal RNA genes in chromosomes of H. neglectum plants collected from diff erent habitats.
N.I. Makunina1, O.S. Zhirova1, M.B. Sakhnevich2
1Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibsrsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 natali.makunina@mail.ru 2Altai State Nature Biosphere Reserve, 649000, Gorno-Altaysk, Naberezhny lane, 1, s/b 91, Altay Republic msaxnevich@mail.ru
Keywords: леса, лесной пояс, синтаксономия, структура растительности, Телецкий хребет, Северо-Восточный Алтай, forests, forest altitudinal zone, syntaxonomy, vegetation structure, Teletskiy ridge, the North-East Altai
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Plant communities of Teletskiy ridge (the North-East Altai) were described. According to the ecological-phytocoenotic classification they represent five types of vegetation: tundra, forest, high grass, meadow, steppe; according to the floristic one they are included in seven classes: Loiseleurio-Vaccinietea , Vaccinio-Piceetea , Asaro-Abiete tea , Brachypodio-Betuletea , Mulgedio-Aconitetea , Molinio-Arrhenatheretea , Festuco-Brometea . Four new associations and one community were revealed. The altitudinal belt column includes two belts: forest-steppe and forest one. The forest belt vegetation prevails over the ridge. The forest-steppe belt has two subbelts: lower and upper; forest belt comprises three subbelts: the low subbelt of mixed forests, the central subbelt of dark coniferous forests and the upper subbelt.
N.N. Lashchinsky1, A.N. Kupriyanov2, A.L. Ebel3, B.M. Moshkalov4
1Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 nnl630090@gmail.com 2Kuzbass Botanical Garden (Institute of Human Ecology, SB RAS), 656065, Kemerovo, Leningradskiy prosp., 10 3National Research Tomsk State University, 634050, Tomsk, Lenin prosp., 36 4Syrdarya-Turkestan State Regional Nature Park, Republic Kazakhstan, 120006, South Kazakhstan Region, Shimkent, Vodopyanova str., 5а
Keywords: ясень согдийский, галерейные леса, чернолесье, ценофлора, пойменная растительность, горы Средней Азии, sogdian ash, gallery forest, dark forest, coenofl ora, flood-plain vegetation, Middle Asian Mountains
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List of plant species from ash ( Fraxinus sogdiana Bunge) forests on Boralday Mountains was completed based on four-years detailed research. Coenoflora analysis by taxonomical structure, life-form and ecological group composition, plants lifespan and eco-coenotic groups showed specific of recent forest conditions and their position in contemporary vegetation.
V.P. Seledets
Pacific Geographical Institute, FEB RAS, 690041, Vladivostok, Radio str., 7 seledets@tig.dvo.ru
Keywords: биоклиматическая зона, инвазивность, ценопопуляция, экологическая ниша, экологический потенциал, сосудистые растения, Приморский край, Дальний Восток России, bioclimatic zone, invasiveness, coenopopulation, ecological niche, ecological potential, vascular plants, Primorskii Krai, Far East of Russia
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Ecological niches of common in Primorskii Krai (Far East of Russia) indigenous and adventive species are described. The stages of forming of realized ecological niches of the species in the transect from Khanka Lake (continental bioclimatic zone) to the Sea of Japan Coast (coastal bioclimatic zone) were revealed. Typology of species on the base of their invasiveness is proposed.
E.S. Vasfilova
Institute Botanic Garden, UrB RAS, 620144, Yekaterinburg, 8th Marth str., 202а euvas@mail.ru
Keywords: интродукция растений, перспективность интродукции, географическое рас про странение растений, introduction of plants, prospectivity of introduction, geographical distribution of plants
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The results of the introduction into the climatic conditions of southern taiga of 203 species of herbaceous plants were analyzed. There was made evaluation of the statistical significance of the influence of the geographical distribution of species on prospectivity of their introduction and on its component indicators. The species with areals covering the natural zone, in which point of introduction is located, showed the best result, but only the diff erences between subtropical and tropical species, on the one hand, and the remaining groups of species, on the other hand, were statistically signifi cant. Seed reproduction, winter hardiness, the duration of existence of the species in the new environment are most highly dependent on the specificity of latitudinal and longitudinal spread. The size of the areal is not of great significance in cases where the areal of the species includes natural zone in which the introduction point is located. Th e intensification of the degree of continentality of the climate in the homeland of the species studied led to a significant decrease in the intensity of vegetative propagation and the increase in plant size under the conditions of introduction.
G.A. Firsov1, A.V. Volchanskaya1, L.F. Yandovka2
1Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, 197376, St. Petersburg, Prof. Popov str., 2 gennady_fi rsov@mail.ru 2Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, 191186, St. Petersburg, Moika River Embankment, 48 yandovkaTGU@mail.ru
Keywords: Sorbus, интродукция растений, биологические особенности, семя, семенная кожура, Ботанический сад Петра Великого, Sorbus, arboriculture, biological peculiarities, seed, testa, Peter the Great Botanic Garden
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White-fruited rowans of subgenus Albocarmesinae McAllister have been cultivated at Peter the Great Botanic Garden of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) since 1951. There are 3 species of section Multijugae (Yu) McAllister in modern collection: Sorbus cashmiriana Hedl., S. eburnea McAll. and S. frutescens McAll., since 1999. Nowadays all of them produce fruits (since 2008). And since 2012 the seed reproduction of the second generation has been obtained and cultivated. They are quite winter hardy in local climatic conditions and are of exclusive interest for decorative gardening and city planting. Because they are apomicts, this is possible to propagate them in large scale by local seeds.