2021 year, number 8
A.E. Kontorovich1,2
1Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Scienc, Novosibirsk, Russia 2Tyumen State Oil and gas University, Tyumen, Russia
Keywords: Gubkin, Trofimuk, oil, gas, province, Volga-Ural, West Siberian, Lena-Tunguska, Lena-Vilyui
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This paper discusses the contribution of two outstanding petroleum geologists, Academicians I.M. Gubkin and A.A. Trofimuk, to the development of the oil and gas complex of the Soviet Union and Russia. It presents a brief description of their biographies and the main results of their scientific, pedagogical, production, and organizational activities. The paper is a detailed preface to the special issue of the Russian Geology and Geophysics Journal dedicated to the 150th birth anniversary of I.M. Gubkin and the 110th birth anniversary of A.A. Trofimuk. A brief description of the papers published in the special issue is given.
A.E. Kontorovich1,2, L.M. Burshtein1, V.R. Livshits1,3
1Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia 2Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Tyumen, Russia 3Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: Kerogen, Bazhenov Formation, hydrocarbon generation, carbon-rich sedimentary formations
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This study discusses the evolution of the composition of dispersed organic matter from the Bazhenov Formation (West Siberian petroleum basin) and the products of its catagenetic transformation on the basis of the balance and kinetic approaches to modeling of the catagenetic transformation of organic matter and its individual components, primarily kerogen. The results show that the variations in the elemental composition of kerogen and the extent of generation of both hydrocarbons and nonhydrocarbons can be quantitatively described using a simplified kinetic model. Preliminary estimates of the model parameters are given for the averaged Bazhenov-type kerogen. It is shown that numerical modeling of the catagenetic transformation of dispersed organic matter confirms the validity of the recognition of the main phase (zone) of oil generation and the main phase (zone) of gas generation.
a:2:{s:4:"TEXT";s:132:"D.A. Bushnev1, N.S. Burdel’naya1, A.N. Shadrin1, N.P. Fadeeva2, M.B. Smirnov3";s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"html";}
a:2:{s:4:"TEXT";s:323:"1Institute of Geology, Federal Research Center “Komi Science Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, Syktyvkar, Russia 2Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia 3Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia";s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"html";}
Keywords: Organic matter, Domanik deposits, bitumen, hydrocarbon biomarkers, maturation, carbon isotope composition, Timan-Pechora Basin
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A comprehensive study of Domanik deposits of the Timan-Pechora Basin has been carried out. The examined composition of hydrocarbon biomarkers, chemical structure of kerogen, carbon isotope composition, and rock lithology, the Rock-Eval pyrolysis data, and the contents of bitumen and Corg in the rocks give an insight into the geochemical processes in the oil window in the Domanik deposits, which took place at Tmax = 435-450 ºC. The bitumen coefficient βCB is maximum in this temperature interval, reaching 30 %. The obtained data on the distribution of polycyclic biomarkers in the Domanik rocks and the bituming and Rock-Eval pyrolysis data allowed determining the boundary values of biomarker maturity coefficients in the study of the maturation of organic matter of the rocks. The carbon isotope composition of bitumen fractions in the Domanik rocks is considered, and the bimodal distribution of the δ13C values of the bitumen is shown.
V.A. Kashirtsev1, O.S. Dzyuba1, B.L. Nikitenko1, E.A. Kostyreva1, I.K. Ivanova2, N.P. Shevchenko1
1Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia 2M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Russia
Keywords: Organic matter, bitumen, dimethylalkanes, chromatography-mass spectrometry
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The homologous series of high-molecular weight dimethylalkanes (HMWDMAs) with either odd- or even-numbered carbon chains in the range from C19-20 to C30-31 have been identified in organic matter from recent and partially lithified deposits of Siberia and the Russian Platform by chromatography-mass spectrometry. The first homologous series is represented by even-numbered 3,4-HMWDMAs followed by the alternation of odd-numbered 3,5-HMWDMAs, even-numbered 3,6-HMWDMAs, and odd-numbered 3,7-HMWDMAs. The most abundant are 3,7-dimethylalkanes. The microbial origin of high-molecular weight dimethylalkanes is the most likely explanation for their presence in the fossil organic matter. The precursors of HMWDMAs might have been tetra- and diether lipids of archaea and bacteria. It is assumed that HMWDMAs and other immature hydrocarbons from great depths (SV-27 and SG-6 superdeep boreholes) result from the decomposition of asphaltenes, which occluded the related compounds inside their structure during the early stages of generation and carried them unchanged throughout the «oil window».
L.A. Abukova1, Yu.A. Volozh2
1Oil and Gas Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia 2Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Fluid-geodynamic regime, water drive system, hydrodynamic potential, zones of oil and gas accumulation, autoclave hydrocarbon systems, Caspian sedimentary basin
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We substantiate certain ideas concerning the key role of fluid-geodynamic processes in the evolvement of hydrocarbon accumulations at great depths in the Earth’s crust. The presented geodynamic model of oil and gas accumulation is based on updated ideas of the structure of the Earth’s tectosphere, which includes plate, preplate, and folded complexes. The model makes clearer the spatial scale of the organic-matter transformation into hydrocarbons of the oil series. In the bottom layers of the Earth’s crust, we predict the existence of a special stagnation type of water drive systems with the following distinguishing features: (a) different scales of manifestation, from local to regional; (b) a limited water exchange with the external environment; (c) the absence of persistent drainage horizons (beds and interbeds); (d) alignment of hydrodynamic potentials in terms of depths and laterals; (e) certain growth in the role of lithohydrochemical and organic chemical factors in the development of the void space of the fluid-host medium. In their inner space, systems with difficult water exchange can control the evolvement and preservation of autoclave hydrocarbon systems for a long time, the key feature of the autoclave systems being spatial coincidence (localization) of the processes of oil and gas generation and accumulation. We assume that in the settings of all-round compression, hydrodynamic instability, and no drainage, the position of productive zones must be controlled by foci of low pore (reservoir) pressures rather than local hypsometric highs. We present results of the prediction for the development of water drive stagnation systems in the subsalt deposits of the Caspian depression. A prediction for reservoir pressures was made for the sedimentary cover at great (and supergreat) depths. It can be regarded as a necessary component of prediction of oil and gas potential because it makes it possible to delineate new (previously unknown) commercial zones of hydrocarbon accumulation.
D.A. Novikov1,2, A.V. Chernykh1, L.N. Konstantinova1, F.F. Dultsev1, I.I. Yurchik1
1Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia 2Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: Hydrogeochemistry, extrastrong brines, Cambrian, Vendian, degree of metamorphism, genetic type, trap magmatism, Siberian Platform
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The Vendian deposits of the Siberian Platform are represented by four regional horizons (from bottom to top): Nepa, Vilyuchan, Tira, and Danilovka. The TDS of brines in the Nepa and Vilyuchan horizons varies from 170.3 to 470.1 g/L3, and the TDS in the overlying Tira and Danilovka horizons, from 84.6 to 583.1 g/L3. Brines of Cl Na, ClNa-Ca, Cl Ca-Na, Cl Ca, and Cl Ca-Mg types have been identified. The pH values of the brines vary from 3.0 to 7.0; acidic and weakly acidic brines (pH = 3.0-5.5) prevail. The redox potential Eh varies from -440 mV (highly reducing conditions) to +130 mV (oxidizing conditions), averaging -176 mV. Areal regional hydrogeochemical zoning is controlled by the outer (on the periphery of the Siberian Platform, where infiltration of meteoric waters took place) and inner feeding areas. The outer feeding areas bear infiltrogenic brines of different ages (group I), mostly of Cl-Na composition. They are characterized by TDS ≤ 280 g/L3, r Na/ r Cl ≤ 1.55, Cl/Br ≤ 2512, and average Ca/Cl = 0.3. The average values of the integrated brine metamorphization index S (according to S.L. Shvartsev) range from 50 to 200. In the intraplatform feeding areas, there are several phases of brines that underwent gravitational sinking into the Vendian horizons in the periods when Cambrian salt-bearing basins existed on the platform. These brines were metamorphosed during filtration along the fracture and fault zones. The intrusion of traps in the late Permian-early Triassic was accompanied by hydrothermal activity. The waters of the enclosing Cambrian dolomite horizons were heated to 800-1000 ºC; their subsequent interaction with carbonate rocks and evaporites (in particular, chlorides) resulted in extrastrong saturated brines. These brines were also subjected to gravitational sinking into the Vendian reservoirs, which was the main cause of the inverse vertical hydrogeochemical zoning in the hydrogeologic subsalt formation. The brine metamorphism processes and temperature changes in the rock horizons during the intrusion of traps and their subsequent cooling led to a significant alteration of the enclosing rocks under interaction with brines and to salinization of the reservoirs, an increase in the total salinity of the brines, and catagenetic changes in their composition. The brines closest to the maximum saturation with halite were found in reservoir zones with the highest salinization and near faults and boundaries of intrusive bodies. During the pre-Vilyuchan, pre-Dnieper, pre-Tira, and pre-Danilovka sedimentation breaks, infiltrogenic waters penetrated into the Vendian sediments. Geochemically, the sedimentogenic, infiltrogenic, and metamorphic strong brines (group II) have a predominantly Cl-Ca or Cl-Ca-Mg composition with TDS > 350 g/L3. They are characterized by low r Na/ r Cl ratios (on average, 0.3), Cl/Br ≤ 100, high Ca/Cl values (on average, 0.4), and S > 250.
a:2:{s:4:"TEXT";s:14:"N.V. Mel’nikov";s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"text";}
Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: Vendian, Cambrian, oscillatory crust motion, cyclometric scale, nexocyclite, regocyclite, regional gap
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The general Vendian stratigraphic scale of Siberia, with the uncertain age of the Vendian base ranging from 600 to 630-640 Ma in most of recent publications, remains worse constrained than the Cambrian scale, in which the boundaries of epochs and stages have been well defined. However, the imperfect classical stratigraphic division has been compensated by data on the cyclicity of the Vendian-Cambrian sedimentary section. The Vendian stratigraphy of the Siberian Platform and the related deposition history with cycles of sedimentation and gaps, as well as the hierarchy of sedimentation processes, can be inferred from the succession of alternating clastic, carbonate, and salt units. The cyclicity of geologic processes and their recurrence are attributed to periodic oscillatory motions of the crust. The ranks of these motions correlate with the cyclicity of sedimentary strata, including regocyclites, nexocyclites, and halcyclites separated by gaps. Each Vendian long-period oscillatory motion begins with a regocyclite and ends with a regional-scale gap. The Cambrian section includes one pre-Mayan regional gap at the end of the early Cambrian long-period cycle. Cambrian regocyclites are composed of carbonate subformations and formations in the lower part and alternating salt and carbonate beds in the upper part.
I.A. Gubin1, A.E. Kontorovich1, I.V. Korovnikov1,2, T.M. Parfenova1,2
1Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia 2Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: Vilyui hemisyneclise, Kuonamka Formation, Inikan Formation, drilling data, Cambrian, time section, seismic facies analysis, reef buildups
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We present a model of the stratigraphic and lateral distribution of Cambrian deposits in the Vilyui hemisyneclise, based on an analysis of drilling data and interpretation of seismic data. The study shows a series of formations and sequences penetrated by wells (Syugdzher saddle, Khorgochum monocline, Ygyatta depression, Tyukyan-Chybyda monocline, Arbai-Sinyaya megaswell, etc.). In the areas where the Cambrian was not penetrated by wells, the distribution of Cambrian deposit was inferred based on the available seismic data. The distribution of the Kuonamka Horizon formed by Cambrian organic-rich rocks is characterized in detail. These are the Kumakh and Sinyaya-Kutorgina sequences and the Inikan and Kuonamka formations. It has been found that the Kuonamka Horizon was deposited during two stages, Botomian and Toyonian-early Mayan. The horizon is overlain by younger deposits of the Mayan Stage, with characteristic cross-bedding structures. Schemes of facies zoning of the Cambrian for Botomian, Toyonian-early Mayan, and middle Mayan times were constructed based on the most recent geological and geophysical understanding of the Vilyui hemisyneclise.
N.K. Fortunatova, A.I. Varlamov, A.S. Kanev, V.I. Poroskun, A.V. Baranova, M.A. Bushueva
All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Geology, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Volga-Ural oil and gas province, Upper Devonian-Tournaisian sequence, carbonaceous carbonate-siliceous Domanik deposits, unconventional oil pools, oil and gas geological zoning, assessment of resources
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The paper considers the regularities in the structure and conditions of formation of Domanik carbonaceous carbonate-siliceous productive deposits. They are shown to occur in the stratigraphic interval from middle Frasnian to upper Famennian. The highly persistent structure of their sections for many kilometers within specific sedimentation zones and the drastic changes in the structure at the boundaries of the zones are justified. Lithological classification of rocks is considered. Methods and results of combined paleontological, lithological, geochemical, and petrophysical core studies are presented, as well as interpretation of well logging data and seismic-survey materials used in the assessment of oil resources and identification of oil- and gas-promising zones and areas. The conducted studies have proved significant oil resources in the Domanik productive sequence; their extraction might compensate for the decline in oil production from conventional pools.
V.A. Kontorovich1,2, A.E. Kontorovich1,3, A.Yu. Kalinin1,2, L.M. Kalinina1, V.V. Lapkovskii1, B.L. Lunev1, S.A. Moiseev1, M.V. Solovev1,2
1Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia 2Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia 3Tyumen State Oil and gas University, Tyumen, Russia
Keywords: Sedimentary basin, seismogeologic complex, seismic horizon, structural map, tectonics, uplift, salt dome, diapir, Siberian Platform, Anabar-Khatanga OGA, Lena-Anabar OGA
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The paper considers the seismogeologic, structural, and tectonic features of Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary complexes in the Arctic regions of the Siberian Platform. Based on the results of deep drilling, the geologic structure of the study area was analyzed, and the key sections of Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic deposits of the Anabar-Khatanga and Lena-Anabar oil and gas areas (OGA) were compiled. Analysis of geological and geophysical materials showed the existence of a sedimentary basin up to 14-16 km in thickness on the continental margin of the Siberian Platform, with five regional seismogeologic megacomplexes in its section: Riphean, Vendian, lower-middle Paleozoic, Permian, and Mesozoic. Based on the results of a complex interpretation of CDP seismic-survey and deep-drilling data, a structural and tectonic analysis was performed, structural maps were compiled for all reference stratigraphic levels, and a conclusion has been drawn about the similarity of the structural plans of the Riphean top and overlying sedimentary complexes. Using a structural map along the Permian top, a tectonic map of the study area was compiled, which corresponds to the current state of study. The results of numerical modeling of the salt diapir formation processes are presented, and the types of anticlinal structures, potential oil- and gas-promising objects, are considered.
V.A. Kazanenkov
Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: Paleogeography, Middle Jurassic, Upper Tyumen Subformation, Malyshev Formation, Yu-Yu reservoir units, West Siberia
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The paper presents results of regional paleogeographic reconstructions of the West Siberian sedimentary basin in the Late Bajocian-Bathonian. Regional paleogeographic maps of the Yu4, Yu3 and upper part of the Yu2 reservoir units were constructed and described for the first time ever. The implemented approach provided insights into the evolution of paleolandscapes and highlighted the deposition features of the Upper Tyumen Subformation and Malyshev Formation in the different parts of the West Siberian basin. The compilation of paleogeographic maps was based on the electrofacies analysis performed for individual parts of the Malyshev stratigraphic horizon, with regard to the core description materials, paleontological, sedimentological, geochemical data and other. The paleogeographic control of the reservoir’s formation in the Bathonian regional reservoir is discussed.