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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2021 year, number 3

Study of Thermotropic Gels for Reducing Water Filtration through the Aeration Zone

Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: rheology, gel-forming composition, anti-filtration barrier, sorption, ground-based storage of radioactive waste
Pages: 229-239


Results of the experimental investigation of the filtration of natural waters and gel-forming solutions through sand under the conditions simulating the aeration zone in the area of ground storage facilities of the Siberian Chemical Combine (SCC). Model porous media from natural sand ground samples of the aeration zone in the area of SCC surface storage facilities in the first aquifer from the surface were used in the experiments. Sorption and plugging properties of anti-filtration gel barriers (screens) formed by various thermotropic gel-forming systems were evaluated. Low-viscosity gel-forming compositions were pumped into the model porous medium. They were transformed into gels directly in the porous medium according to the mechanism of hydroxopolycondensation of aluminium ions or phase transitions of the polymers with lower and upper critical dissolution temperatures with the formation of anti-filtration barriers. The anti-migration properties of anti-filtration gel screens on the migration path of polluted waters in the first aquifer from the surface were investigated. Solutions of cesium and strontium salts were used as simulators of radioactive contaminants. To enhance the anti-migration properties of the gel barriers, we used preliminary impregnation of the rock with a sodium tetraborate solution, as well as the introduction of potassium alum into the gel-forming compositions. It was established that the anti-filtration gel screen based on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) has also anti-migration properties. On the basis of the results of experimental studies, the PVA-based composition is recommended for making anti-filtration and anti-migration barriers on the migration path of contaminated water in the area of ground storage facilities of the SCC. It is reasonable to pump a portion of the solution of sodium tetraborate before and after injection of the composition.

DOI: 10.15372/CSD2021301