M. A. Petrov, A. V. Goldaeva
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Keywords: social and information reality, education, transformation of the educational process, innovative paradigm of education, new information trends, information and communication technologies, subjects of educational interaction
Introduction. The paper raises the problem of transformation of education in the conditions of modern social and information reality. Although the process of education reform is a multidimensional phenomenon, when considering it, there are reasons to focus on the study of new information trends, which, acting as tools for implementing the idea of education development set by the innovation paradigm, form the core of the designated reform. In connection with the reorientation of the spiritual and social life to the information basis, there is observed a change in the status of knowledge with respect to the learning process; in particular, it contributes to characteristic changes in the functions of the teacher, who loses the function of the primary carrier of knowledge in the interaction with students and takes the role of coordinator in the limitless information space. Modern educational realities give rise to the foundation for the formation of a new subject-subject type of educational interaction, but it remains impossible to fully implement it, which appears in connection with the problem of transforming the educational system in the field of ICT orientation only in terms of form, but not quality content. On the path of understanding the occurring metamorphosis, there appears not only the need for a detailed study of the effects of the introduction of information technologies in the educational process, but also there becomes a significantly important issue for the actors of the educational interaction to go deeper into the personality component, since the effectiveness of the implementation of relevant innovation is largely driven by the availability of personality qualities that support the preparation of the individual to perceive a new reality. The purpose of the paper is a comprehensive review of the ongoing adaptation of education in accordance with the current socio-cultural situation. Methodology and methods of the research. The object of the study is the educational process, and the subject is its transformation in the modern information world. The methodological basis of the research is a systematic approach that allows us to identify the features of the transformation of the process of obtaining knowledge in the aggregate of its characteristic aspects, the specifics of which are formed in the plane of the innovative educational paradigm. Using the comparative method used in this paper to compare the development of educational interaction in the traditional “knowledge” environment and the space of information culture, we identify phenomena that were first introduced into the individual’s being, in which a modern person experiences a unique experience of both secondary and primary socialization. Based on the generalization of theoretical studies of scientists who develop the problems of science and education, the paper presents and analyzes current ideas that affect the prerequisites for the formation of the current specifics of the learning process in the present time, its immediate characteristics and problem aspects that cause the need to find their solution. The results of the research. Through the prism of modern ideas about the problems of education, the process of adapting the educational system based on new information and communication technologies is considered. The study of the layer of theoretical research in the field of problems of modern education allowed us to form a holistic image of its specificity as a socio-cultural phenomenon, the features of which are currently manifested in a change in the paradigm setting from the point of view of the education system, and from the point of view of educational interaction, in a change in the teacher-student relationship. In view of the concentration of special attention on the variety of existing information trends, the effects of their influence on the process of obtaining knowledge are generalized and the place of these trends in the ongoing transformational processes is determined. In addition, the paper covers such issues as: 1) the transition from the traditional “knowledge” paradigm of education to a paradigm of innovative type; 2) the emergence of new contours of knowledge; 3) the subject-object approach in educational interaction and its failure in the modern world; 4) the features of the subject-subject approach and the problems of its implementation. The conclusion is made that the conflict between the complex system of the educational institution, which, due to its features, does not have the ability to quickly reform the quality structures, and the information society with its characteristic super-dynamism is the main problem field of reorientation of the educational process on the basis of the updated social reality. The search for overcoming the contradiction is proposed to be transferred to the field of understanding the personal components of the educational interaction participants. Conclusion. In the conditions of the modern social reality of the information type, education is undergoing transformation and the educational system is gradually adapting to new information and communication technologies. The transformation of education is a multi-faceted process, during the implementation of which the society has identified problematic issues that require their understanding and solving, since modern educational realities give rise to the foundation for the formation of educational interaction in the future.