M. S. Khakhalina, A. A. Lagutina, O. Yu. Scherba, N. V. Poriaz
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St.-Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: distant learning, MOODLE, online, deadline, efficiency, academic performance, motivation, procrastination, interactive forms of learning
Introduction. The article describes some problems of teaching foreign languages in higher education to non-linguistic departments students in the lockdown period of the spring 2020. The authors consider it essential to carry out the analysis of the effects of setting deadlines and using interactive tools based on MOODLE teaching platform on the overall online teaching efficiency in order to use blended learning in higher education in the nearest future. Methodology and methods of the research. The paper includes a literature review of research dedicated to online learning efficiency carried out for the last decade. MOOCs main characteristics and features are compared to traditional offline teaching courses. Also, some characteristics of MOODLE educational platform are provided. The main methods for carrying out this educational research included analyzing the statistical data related to the learning process efficiency on teaching foreign languages. The main parameters assessed were the attendance of online courses based on MOODLE platform by the students of different departments as well as their participation and involvement in ZOOM video conferences. The statistics for juniour students of scientific departments with different levels of school language background was analyzed in the research. The interactive tools were ZOOM video conferences and chats based on MOODLE platform. The time management was organized by setting different types of deadlines. The results of the research. The results obtained in this research let us suggest that the academic performance and the online learning process efficiency are closely related to setting deadlines for doing the assignments as well as applying interactive ways of communication by using modern online tools such as chats and video conferences. However, there is a category of students whose academic performance does not depend on the deadlines flexibility or other work organization parameters, and the efficiency of online courses for this category is significantly different. Conclusion. As a result of the research, a list of factors influencing the academic performance was obtained. Also, a number of recommendations for teachers and educators are provided for working with students with different levels of performance. Further research in this area will be dedicated to increasing the distant learning efficiency in the modern world conditions when digital education is the essential part of blended learning.