The study of professional burnout syndrome in specialists of the department of anaesthesiology and intensive care
Victor G. Puzyrev, Valeria V. Bondarenko, Alla O. Karchevskaya, Victoria V. Danilova, Julia N. Kapyrina
Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: синдром профессионального выгорания, реаниматологи, средний медицинский персонал, отделение анестезиологии и реанимации, стресс, professional burnout syndrome, resuscitators, nursing staff, department of anaesthesiology and intensive care, stress
Objective was to determine
the presence and the main manifestations of professional burnout
syndrome among intensive care doctors and nurses from the department of
anesthesiology and intensive care. Material and methods. Resuscitators
and secondary medical staff were asked to pass a questionnaire, which
included a survey by V.V. Boyko «Emotional burnout», a test by C.
Spielberger in the modification Y.A. Hanin, the technique of
Munsterberg. Results and discussion. Professional burnout syndrome is
typical for 55 % of resuscitators and 35 % of mid-level medical staff of
the department of anaesthesiology and intensive care of the pediatric
University clinic. As for the respondents of the first group, the
presence of the «resistance» phase is characteristic, while the second
group has the «resistance» and «exhaustion» phases. According to the
Spielberger scale, both groups have a middle degree of situational and
personal anxiety. The Munsterberg method found that selectiveness and
concentration of attention before and after the daily shift is more
decreased in resuscitators. Conclusion. High rates of susceptibility of
specialists of the department of anaesthesiology and intensive care to
the formation of professional burnout syndrome, which affects their
psychological health, were established. It is necessary to develop
appropriate measures to prevent this occurrence.