Urinary tract infections in pregnancy (review)
Nikolai K. Nikiforovsky, Elena A. Stepankova, Anastasia O. Suhorukova
Smolensk State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia, Smolensk, Russia nk.nikiforovsky@yandex.ru
Keywords: инфекции мочевыводящих путей, беременные, диагностика, лечение, антибактериальная терапия, urinary tract infections, pregnant, diagnostic, treatment, antibacterial therapy
Urinary tract infections in
pregnancy are common in obstetric practice. This urological pathology
is recorded in about every third pregnant woman. There is no trend
forward to decline the disease prevalence. Moreover, the number of
pregnant women with kidney diseases has increased 4 times over the last
20 years. The best practice for diagnosis of urinary tract infections is
urine culture test, which is considered to be the most reliable and
accurate diagnostic. According to Order No. 572n by the Ministry of
Public Health of the Russian Federation dated 01.11.2012, the procedure
is carried out for all pregnant women started from 14 weeks of
pregnancy. The necessity for early diagnostics and treatment of urinary
tract infections in pregnancy is obvious, since there is a risk of the
infection negative impact on a mother and a fetus, course of pregnancy,
childbirth and postpartum period. Antibacterial therapy is a method of
choice and should be administrated taking into account criteria of
safety and tolerability (Food And Drug Administration criteria). Taking
into account that antibiotics administration is often empiric, the
constant dynamic monitoring of the structure of uropathogens and
antimicrobial resistance having specific local features is required.