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"Philosophy of Education"

2020 year, number 3


O. V. Shimelfenig
Saratov National Research State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky, Saratov, Russia
Keywords: понимание, сюжетно-игровая картина мира, объект, субъект, двуединство, взаимодействие, understanding, plot-game picture of the world, object, subject, dual unity, interaction


Introduction. The scale and depth of the problem of mutual understanding and self-understanding at the worldview level is shown by referring to the experience of famous thinkers, scientists and cultural figures. Underestimation of the severity of this problem takes place in the field of education. This study suggests ways to solve it based on the plot-game concept of reality. Methodology and methods of the research is based on the categorical apparatus of the plot-game paradigm, the main feature of which, novelty, is the proposal to add to the space-time model of the world a third parameter - an individual who perceives the first two aspects in his/her own way - space and time, as a certain plot. Thus, the art history concepts of the plot, script and game are generalized to the level of philosophical categories and at the same time natural-scientific terms - «through» units of Being. On the basis of attitudes, mainly uncontrollable by consciousness, the behavior of many people is formed, which usually leads to conflicts and catastrophic consequences for society and nature. Typical operating subconsciously patterns of thinking are revealed here, which makes it possible to reflect on the process of formation of certain conclusions with their help. The results of the research. Nine stereotypes of thinking are considered, which create fundamental obstacles to mutual understanding and self-understanding: automatic imposition on almost any situation of the «law of the excluded third» based on an uncontrolled choice of only two alternately arbitrarily and unconsciously drawn out alternatives; faith in the «objective» truth of one’s preferred alternative; un recognition in the formulation of one’s own ideas; the effect of the not receptivity of another; syndrome of overestimation of the degree of mutual understanding due to the use of seemingly the same words without taking into account their individual interpretation; non-vision of the total processuality of reality; the failure to see the connection between thinking and reality, which is carried out through attempts to implement their scenarios, including automatically without control of consciousness. Conclusion. The knowledge of these uncontrollably working stereotypes makes it possible to turn them into a consciously used tool that is adequate to specific situations, which is achieved by the practice of maintaining attention on the process-plot integrity of different spatio-temporal scales with the obligatory inclusion in the script of the author himself with his picture of the world, which ultimately determines, his thoughts and actions.