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Numerical Analysis and Applications

2020 year, number 3

On a posteriori estimation of the approximation error norm for an ensemble of independent solutions

A.K. Alekseev, A.E. Bondarev
Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: погрешность расчета, ансамбль численных решений, концентрация меры, уравнения Эйлера, discretization error, ensemble of numerical solutions, measure concentration, Euler equations

Abstract >>
An ensemble of independent numerical solutions enables one to construct a hypersphere around the approximate solution that contains the true solution. The analysis is based on some geometry considerations, such as the triangle inequality and the measure concentration in the spaces of large dimensions. As a result, there appears the feasibility for non-intrusive postprocessing that provides the error estimation on the ensemble of solutions. The numerical tests for two-dimensional compressible Euler equations are provided that demonstrates properties of such postprocessing.

Solving the Poisson equation with singularities by the least-squares collocation method

V.A. Belyaev
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: метод коллокации и наименьших квадратов, уравнение Пуассона, краевая задача, особенность, полиномы Чебышева, многосеточный алгоритм, least-squares collocation method, Poisson equation, boundary value problem, singularity, Chebyshev polynomials, multigrid algorithm

Abstract >>
New h-, p- and hp-versions of the least-squares collocation method are proposed and implemented for solving the Dirichlet problem for the Poisson equation. The paper considers some examples of solving problems with singularities such as large gradients, high growth rate of solution derivatives with increasing the order of differentiation, discontinuity of the second-order derivatives at the angular points of the domain boundary, and the oscillating solution with different frequencies in the presence of an infinite discontinuity for derivatives of any order. The new versions of the method are based on a special selection of collocation points in the roots of the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind. Basis functions are defined as a product of the Chebyshev polynomials. The behavior of the numerical solution on a sequence of grids and with an increase in the degree of the approximating polynomial has been analyzed using exact analytical solutions. The formulas for the continuation operation necessary for the transition from a coarse mesh to a finer one on a multi-grid complex in the Fedorenko method have been obtained.

Difference methods for solving non-local boundary value problems for fractional-order pseudo-parabolic equations with the Bessel operator

M.K. Beshtokov
Institute of Applied Mathematics and Automation, Nalchik, Russia
Keywords: нелокальные краевые задачи, априорная оценка, разностная схема, уравнение псевдопараболического типа, дифференциальное уравнение дробного порядка, дробная производная Герасимова-Капуто, Non-local boundary value problem, a priori estimate, difference scheme, equation of pseudoparabolic type, differential equation of fractional order, Gerasimov-Caputo fractional derivative

Abstract >>
This paper deals with the to boundary value problems for pseudoparabolic equations of fractional order with the Bessel operator with variable coefficients with non-local boundary conditions of the integral type and difference methods for their solutions. To solve the considered problems a priori estimates in differential and difference interpretations are obtained, which means the uniqueness and stability of solutions by initial data and the right-hand side, as well as the convergence of the solution of the difference problem to the solution of the corresponding differential problem.

On the simultaneous restoration of the density and the surface equation in the inverse gravimetry problem for a contact surface

I.V. Boikov, V.A. Ryazantsev
Penza State University, Penza, Russia
Keywords: обратные задачи, логарифмический и ньютоновский потенциалы, гравиразведка, некорректные задачи, регуляризация, inverse problems, logarithmic and Newtonian potentials, gravimetry, ill-posed problems, regularization

Abstract >>
Analytical and numerical methods for solving inverse problems of logarithmic and the Newtonian potentials are investigated. The following contact problem in the case of a Newtonian potential is considered. In the domain Ω{Ω: -l ≤ x,y ≤ l, H υ(x,y) ≤ z ≤ H}, sources with the density ρ(x,y), perturbing the Earth’s gravitational field, are distributed. Here, υ(x,y) is a non-negative finite function with the support Ω = [l,l]2, 0 ≤ υ(x,y) ≤ H. It is required to simultaneously restore the depth H of the occurrence of the contact surface z = H, the density ρ(x,y) of sources, and the function υ(x,y). The methods of simultaneous determination are based on the use of nonlinear models of potential theory which are developed in the paper. The following kinds of information are used as the basic ones: 1) values of the gravity field and its first and second derivatives; 2) values of the gravity field at the different heights. The possibility of the simultaneous recovery of the functions ρ( x,y), υ(x,y) and the constants H in the analytical form is demonstrated. Iterative methods for their simultaneous recovery. The model examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed numerical methods are constructed.

Equations of state in mathematical models of production and transportation natural gas

E.A. Bondarev1, A.F. Voevodin2, K.K. Argunova1, I.I. Rozhin1
1Institute of Oil and Gas Problems, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Yakutsk, Russia
2М.А. Lavrentiev's Institute of Hydrodynamics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: уравнение состояния, дросселирование, кривая инверсии, природный газ, математическое моделирование, equation of state, inverse curve, natural gas, mathematical modeling

Abstract >>
For one of cubic equations of state, the Redlich-Kwong, the inverse curve, which characterizes a change in a sign of the Joule-Thomson coefficient, has been constructed. The range of reduced pressure and temperature corresponds to the values intrinsic of technological changes in production and transport systems of natural gas.

Orthogonal projectors and systems of linear algebraic equations

I.V. Kireev
Institute of computational modelling Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, Rossia
Keywords: численные методы, линейная алгебра, ортогональные проекторы, метод Качмажа, подпространства Крылова, numerical methods, linear algebra, orthogonal projectors, Kaczmarz method, Krylov sub-spaces

Abstract >>
In this paper, an operator iterative procedure for constructing of the orthogonal projection of a vector on a given subspace is proposed. The algorithm is based on the Euclidean ortogonalization of power sequences of a special linear transformation generated by the original subspace. For consistent systems of linear algebraic equations, a numerical method based on this idea is proposed. Numerical results are presented.

The numerical modeling of the elastic waves propagation in the geological media with gas cavities using the grid-characteristic method

P.V. Stognii1, N.I. Khokhlov2, I.B. Petrov1,2
1Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudnyi, Russia
2Scientific Research Institute for System Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: газовые карманы, численное трехмерное моделирование, сеточно-характеристический метод, Арктический шельф, gas pockets, numerical 3D modelling, grid-characteristic method, Arctic shelf

Abstract >>
The shallow gas in the ground geological layers of the water space is of great danger for the drilling rigs in the case of an accident opening of the gas deposits. Gas starts rising towards the surface of water, and sooner or later, the gas emission into the atmosphere threatens the environment. It is very important to be able to forecast the gas emissions in order to prevent the catastrophic consequences with the destruction of drilling rigs and people fatalities. This paper presents the results for the numerical modeling of seismic waves propagation in models with gas deposits through the layered soil towards the surface of water for the 3D case. The modeling was carried out for the 4-year period for the layers, which are located at the depth of 1000 m from the bottom of the sea. The results of the computations (the wave pictures and seismograms) show the approach of gas to the surface of water for the 4th year of the computations. The consistency of the results for the 3D problem with the results for the 2D problem, early obtained by the authors, is very important for the further research into the area in question.

Parametric analysis of stochastic oscillators by the statistical modeling method

M.A. Yakunin
Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: стохастические дифференциальные уравнения, винеровская и пуассоновская составляющие, обобщенный метод Эйлера, стохастические осцилляторы, stochastic diп¬Ђerential equations, Wiener and Poisson components, generalized Euler method, stochastic oscillators

Abstract >>
We investigate the influence of the Wiener and the Poisson random noises on the behavior of the linear and Van der Pol oscillators with the help of the statistical modeling method. For a linear oscillator, the analytical expression of the autocovariance function of the solution to stochastic differential equation (SDE) is obtained. This expression along with the formulas of mathematical expectation and variance of the SDE solution allows us to carry out the parametric analysis and to investigate the accuracy of estimates of moments of the numerical solution to the SDE obtained with the help of the generalized Euler explicit method. For the Van der Pol oscillator, the influence of the Poisson component on the oscillation nature of the first and the second moments of the SDE solution with a large value of jumps is numerically investigated.