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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2020 year, number 4

Molecular genetic methods in plant ecology

Central Siberian Botanical Garden of SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: экология, молекулярная экология, запасные белки, ДНК-маркеры, популяции, виды, внутри- и межпопуляционная изменчивость, редкие и исчезающие виды, реконструкция, искусственные популяции, biodiversity, seed storage proteins, DNA markers, populations, species, intra - and inter-population variability, the preservation of the gene pool, rare and endangered species of plants, reconstruction, artificial populations


Molecular genetic analysis widely used in various fields of science currently. Molecular ecology for environmental assessment is the basis of the modern methodological base. Different species and populations contain a large supply of genetic variation. This which plays a major role in the adaptation of species to certain environmental conditions. A significant part of this variation does not have a clear phenotypic expression and constitutes a hidden stock of genetic variation, which greatly complicates the study of the huge genetic potential of genera, species, and populations. More convenient markers for studying these issues are seed proteins and DNA, which are characterized by significant intraspecific polymorphism and independence from the external conditions of plant growth, and electrophoresis of storage seed proteins and all methods of PCR amplification of genomic DNA. This review shows the role of molecular genetic methods in solving traditional environmental problems related to taxonomy, phylogeny, evolution, the study of genetic variability and the identification of inbreeding depression in natural and artificially created populations of endemic, rare and endangered species, as well as their certification (by stroke - coding) and the creation of DNA banks.