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Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves

2020 year, number 3

Detonation of Ethyleneand Propylene-Oxygen Explosive Mixtures and Their Application in Detonation Spraying Technology

D. K. Rybin, V. Yu. Ul'yanitskii, I. S. Batraev
Lavrent'ev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia
Keywords: газовая детонация, параметры детонации, ячеистая структура фронта детонации, этилен, пропилен, детонационное напыление, gas detonation, detonation parameters, cellular structure of detonation front, ethylene, propylene, detonation spraying


The gas detonation of ethylene- and propylene-oxygen explosive mixtures in a wide range of equivalence ratio was studied. Detonation parameters were calculated using the DETON code. The experiments were conducted on an improved detonation bench in which the flow feed of the components of the explosive mixture and the intensification of the deflagration-to-detonation transition due to stratification of charges was implemented in an extended cylindrical channel using the CCDS2000 computerized detonation complex. Experimental data on the detonation velocity and size of the detonation front cell were obtained. The concentration limits of steady detonation in a cylindrical channel 26 mm in diameter were established. Using propylene and ethylene as fuel for detonation spraying, coatings of tungsten carbide with a cobalt binder and alumina were obtained and their properties are investigated. Coatings based on propylene with stratification of the explosive mixture charge, are comparable in properties and performance to coatings sprayed by dual-fuel (acetylene/propane) technology, which allows propylene to be considered as an acceptable fuel for detonation spraying.