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Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves

2020 year, number 3

Thermochemical and Energy Characteristics of Symmetric Nitro and Azido Derivatives of Diazen-Ter-Furazanes

D. B. Lempert1, A. I. Kazakov1, V. S. Sannikov2, A. V. Nabatova1, D. V. Dashko2, A. I. Stepanov2
1Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, 142432 Russia
2SKTB Tekhnolog, St. Petersburg, 193076 Russia
Keywords: бис(4''-нитро[3,3':4',3'']терфуразан-4-ил)-диазен, бис(4''-азидо-[3,3':4',3'']терфуразан-4-ил)-диазен, энтальпия сгорания, энтальпия образования, парциальный вклад, смесевое твердое ракетное топливо (СТРТ), удельный импульс, bis(4''-nitro[3,3':4',3'']terfurazan-4-yl)-diazene, bis(4''-azido-[3,3':4',3'']terfurazan-4-yl)-diazene, enthalpy of combustion, enthalpy of formation, partial contribution, solid composite propellant (SCP), specific impulse


The heat of combustion and enthalpy of formation of bis(4''-nitro[3,3':4',3'']terfurazan-4-yl)-diazene (DNFNF) and (bis(4''-azido-[3,3':4',3'']terfurazan-4-yl)-diazene (DAzFNF) were first experimentally determined. It is found that the energy increment of the substitution of the azide group for the nitro group in the furazan cycle averages 290 kJ/mol and is close to the increment of substitution of N3 for NO2 in trinitroethane. The dependence of the energy parameters of metal-free rocket propellants based on a mixture of ammonium perchlorate with DNFNF or with DAzFNF with an active binder on the content of the highly enthalpy component in the formulation was studied by thermodynamic analysis.