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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2019 year, number 6

Experimental plasma setup for gasification of organic waste with their discrete supply into gasifier

S.V. Alekseenko, A.S. Anshakov, P.V. Domarov, V.A. Faleev
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: плазменная газификация, органические отходы, дискретная подача, синтез-газ, калорийность, метан, плазмообразующий газ, камера плавления, камера газификации, узел загрузки, plasma gasification, organic waste, discrete supply, synthesis gas, calorie value, methane, plasma forming gas, melting chamber, gasification chamber, loading unit


The paper describes the design of an experimental setup for plasma gasification of organic waste with its discrete supply to the loading unit. The experimental results of determining the percentage composition of synthesis gas and its calorific value depending on time for gasification of wood sawdust and polyethylene granules are presented. The amount of methane in synthesis gas composition has been calculated depending on temperature and oxygen flow rate. It is shown that when the waste is fed in separate portions, the synthesis gas composition, its yield and calorific value change over time significantly.