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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2019 year, number 6

Processes of heat and mass transfer in furnace chambers with combustion of thermochemically activated fuel

V.E. Messerle1,2,3, A.S. Askarova1,2, Salmat A. Bolegenova1,2, P. Safarik4, V.Yu. Maksimov1, Symbat A. Bolegenova2, A.O. Nugymanova1
1Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2SRI of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan
3Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
4Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Keywords: численное моделирование, тепломассоперенос, скоростные, температурные и концентрационные поля, плазменно-топливные системы, термохимическая активация, numerical modeling, heat and mass transfer, velocity, temperature and concentration fields, plasma-fuel systems, thermochemical activation


The paper presents the results of numerical studies of the influence of thermochemical activation of pulverized coal flows on the processes of heat and mass transfer occurring in the areas of real geometry (furnaces) with burning power fuel. The aerodynamic flow pattern, velocity, temperature, and concentration fields were obtained, the analysis of which allows the conclusion that plasma activation of fuel increases the efficiency of its combustion and reduces emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere.