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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2019 year, number 6

Experimental study of the dynamics of phase changes in a heat storage of thermal control system of electronic equipment

E.N. Vasi’ev, V.A. Derevyanko, M.I. Korkhova
Institute of Computational Modeling SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Keywords: тепловой аккумулятор, теплоаккумулирующий материал, гипертеплопроводящая пластина, теплота плавления, коэффициент теплопроводности, heat storage, heat storage material, hyper-heat-conducting plate, heat of melting, coefficient of thermal conductivity


A heat storage using the latent heat of the solid-liquid phase change was experimentally investigated. To intensify heat exchange in its design, hyper-heat-conducting plates were used. During the experiments, the temperature values and the volume changes of the working substance (hexadecane) were measured. The analysis of the thermal balance and phase changes in the volume of the heat storage was carried out. The efficiency of the considered design of the heat storage and high heat-distribution capacity of hyper-heat-conducting plates have been confirmed.