Unsteady Pseudo-JUmp in a Shock Tube
Yu. P. Gun'ko, I. N. Kavun
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: ударная труба, распад разрыва, начальная ударная волна, контактный разрыв, отраженная ударная волна, псевдоскачок, shock wave, discontinuity decay, initial shock wave, contact discontinuity, reflected shock wave, pseudo-jump
This paper describes a numerical simulation of an unsteady axisymmetric flow in a shock tube, which arises as a strong shock wave incident on the end face of the tube is reflected under conditions in which a chain of shock waves is formed after the reflected shock wave, similar to a pseudo-jump in steady flows. The conditions under which this flow is formed are understudied. The flow is investigated in the case of the shock tube in which an incident shock wave is formed and moving at a velocity corresponding to the Mach number M =2.6. The numerical calculation is carried out using the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations and the SST-(k-ω) model of turbulence. The resulting data are compared with the known experimental data and the results of numerical calculations.