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Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics

2020 year, number 2

Specific Features of Stretching and Breaking of Shaped-Charge Jets

V. M. Fomin, V. I. Zvegintsev, E. Ya. Braguntsov
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: кумулятивная струя, облицовка, дислокации, пластическая деформация, скорость деформации, фрагментация, shaped-charge jet, liner, dislocations, plastic straining, strain rate, fragmentation


Stretching and breaking of shaped-charge jets and the behavior of the strained metal are studied with the use of dislocation mechanisms of plastic straining and with due allowance for shock wave processes at the stage of liner implosion and jet stretching. Regular features of shaped-charge jet stretching and breaking are found. Equations are derived for analyzing the influence of the strength and plastic properties of the material, its microstructure, geometric parameters, and kinematic characteristics on jet stretching and breaking.