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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2020 year, number 1

Post-fire effects in Siberian larch stands on multispectral satellite data

E. G. Shvetsov1,2, E. I. Ponomarev1,2
1V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest of SB RAS - Separate Subdivision of the FRC KSC of SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Keywords: дистанционные данные, вегетационный индекс, температура поверхности, Сибирь, данные Terra/MODIS, remote sensing data, vegetation index, surface temperature, Siberia


In this work, we consider the dynamics of vegetation indices and surface temperature of post-fire areas of different ages in the larch forests of the permafrost zone of Siberia, obtained using long-term Terra/MODIS satellite imagery. Preliminary classification of Landsat/ETM, OLI satellite images was performed to analyze the degree of pyrogenic disturbance in the sample of post-fire sites. An increase of the average temperature of the underlying surface of the post-pyrogenic areas by 3.9-4.6 °C was recorded depending on the degree of disturbance of the litter, which is 15-30 % of the average background values. The deviation (decrease) for the NDVI comparing to background values in the next post-fire year was 22 %, for the NBR index - 72 %. Recovery of the NDVI to background values required 7-10 years after the fire. The recovery period for the surface temperature and the NBR index are significantly higher - 15 years or more. Moreover, for 15-20 years after the fire, the observed temperature anomalies of the underlying surface remain significant.