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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2019 year, number 5

Cold spray deposition of aluminum coating onto an erodible material

V.S. Shikalov, S.V. Klinkov, V.F. Kosarev
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: холодное газодинамическое напыление, эрозия, профиль покрытия, звуковое сопло, cold spray, erosion, coating profile, sonic nozzle


Results of a pioneering experimental study of the cold spray method used for spraying aluminum traces onto the surface of a brittle erodible material (like brick) are reported. The spraying is performed using a sonic nozzle. Particle velocities near the axis of the two-phase jet are measured, and an approximating formula is derived to describe the dependence of the particle velocity on the stagnation pressure and temperature of the accelerating air. Interaction of the two-phase jet with the substrate surface is studied, and it is shown that an increase in the gas stagnation temperature transforms the process of substrate erosion a coating formation process. Parameter values that can be recommended as working ones for practical spraying are identified.