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Journal of Mining Sciences

2019 year, number 6

Flotation of Calcium Minerals by Combination of Reagents of Different Molecular Structure

E. D. Shepeta1, V. A. Ignatkina2, S. A. Kondrat’ev3, L. A. Samatova1
1Institute of Mining, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Khabarovsk, 680000 Russia
2National University of Science and Technology-MISIS, Moscow, 119049 Russia
3Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
Keywords: флотация, кальцит, шеелит, шеелит-сульфидная руда, контрастность флотации, адсорбция, сочетание, олеат, неионогенные соединения, неонол, эксол-Б, реагентный режим, депрессия кальцита, извлечение, Flotation, calcite, scheelite, scheelite-sulfide ore, contrast behavior of flotation, adsorption, combination, oleate, non-ionic compounds, neonol, exol-B, reagent regime, calcite depression, extraction


The influence of non-ionic compounds in combination with sodium oleate on the contrast behavior of flotation response of calcium minerals is investigated theoretically and experimentally. The flotation and adsorption analyses are carried out with monomineral fractions of calcite and scheelite, while the flotation process analysis is conducted with an ore material screened into size grades of - 44 and - 15 μm. The process conditions of the highest difference in adsorption of oleate and contrast in extraction of scheelite and calcite are found. the conditions of the maximum depression of calcite in the rougher flotation circuit are determined.