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Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics

2019 year, number 5

Edge Waves Durfing Motion of a Vessel in an Ice Channel

L. A. Tkacheva
Lavrent'ev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: поверхностные волны, изгибно-гравитационные волны, краевые волны, плавающая вязкоупругая пластина, дисперсионные соотношения, волновые силы, преобразование Фурье, метод Винера - Хопфа, surface waves, flexural-gravity waves, edge waves, floating viscoelastic plate, dispersion relations, wave forces, Fourier transform, Wiener-Hopf technique


The Wiener-Hopf technique was used to obtain an analytical solution of the problem of waves arising in a liquid and ice sheet during uniform motion of a pressure region modeling an air-cushion vessel on the free surface of the liquid in an ice sheet fracture. The ice sheet is modeled by two thin semi-infinite viscoelastic plates of constant thickness, floating on the surface of an ideal incompressible liquid of finite depth and separated by a liquid free surface zone. In the moving coordinate system, the plate deflection and the liquid elevation are assumed to be steady-state. The wave forces, the elevation of the liquid free surface, the deflection and deformation of the plates at different vessel speeds and ice sheet thicknesses are investigated. It is shown that for some values of the speed, ice sheet thickness, and current pressure, destruction of the ice sheet near the edge is possible.