Ekaterina Viktorovna AKIMOVA1,2, Mikhail Yurievich AKIMOV3, Ekaterina Ivanovna GAKOVA1,2, Valeriy Vasilievich GAFAROV2
1Tyumen Cardiology Research Center of Tomsk National Research Medical Center of RAS 2Research Institute of Therapy and Prevention Medicine - Branch of Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics of SB RAS 3Industrial University of Tyumen
Keywords: эпидемиологическое исследование, мужская популяция, социальная поддержка, ишемическая болезнь сердца, epidemiological research, male population, social support, coronary heart disease
A number of studies have shown that social support has a direct positive effect on health, since it plays the role of a buffer that alleviates psychosocial and physical stresses. The aim of the study was to establish associations of the prevalence of coronary heart disease and levels of social support in men of an open population of a mid-urbanized Siberian city. Material and methods. In order to conduct a one-stage epidemiological study on an open urban population using the «random number» method, a representative sample was drawn from the electoral lists among males aged 25-64 years of the Central Administrative District of Tyumen. The sample included 1000 people, four age categories by decades of life (25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64 years). The response to cardiac screening was 85.0 %. Social support was assessed by the Berkman - Syme test in two positions: the close contact index (ICC) and the social link index (SNI). The conclusion about the presence of coronary artery disease was conducted according to strict and extended epidemiological criteria. The «defined» coronary heart disease, «possible» coronary heart disease and coronary heart disease have been allocated according to expanded epidemiological criteria. Results and discussion. In the open population of the mid-urbanized Siberian city (on the model of Tyumen), men of working age with the presence of coronary heart disease were found mostly low level of social support mainly due to the low social link index. The results obtained in the open population of Tyumen in relation to social support and its association with the prevalence of coronary heart disease can serve as the scientific basis for conducting targeted socially-oriented preventive measures among working-age men in other urban-medium-sized Siberian cities.