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Siberian Scientific Medical Journal

2019 year, number 2


Olga Vladimirovna EFREMOVA1,2, Andrey Nikolaevich MAMAEV2, Valeriy Anatolyevich ELYKOMOV1
1Altai State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia
2Altai Clinical Hospital
Keywords: хронический миелолейкоз, заболеваемость, chronic myeloid leukemia, incidence


The purpose of research is to estimate disease incidence for chronic myeloid leukemia in the Altay Region. Material and methods. The absolute morbidity rate of chronic myeloid leukemia in the Altai Region (primary disease incidence), as well as the intensive morbidity rate (per 100000 adults of population) have been investigated since 2014 to 2016. The Federal State Statistics Service data on population base was used as a basis for the intensive rate estimation. Epidemiological retrospective study was conducted by means of analyzing medical files of patients with primary case definition of chronic myeloid leukemia in the Altai Region. Results and discussion. Primary disease incidence for chronic myeloid leukemia in the Altai Region from 2014 to 2016 made up 20-24 patients per year. The number of primarily detected cases of CML varied from 1.02 to 1.24 per 100 000 adult population annually. The frequency of CML disease detection in urban population figured up to 60 % of the total number of the patients, however the statistically significant differences in intensive rate were not revealed. Male:female ratio corresponded to 49.3 : 50.7 % respectively. The peak of CML disease incidence in the Altai Region accounted for the age of 50-59 years. Median age of patients with primarily defined CML without considering gender was 52 years, whereas median age in women ranged rather higher than in men: 54.3 years old and 49.6 years, respectively. Conclusion. Primary disease incidence for chronic myeloid leukemia in the Altai Region amounts to 1.14 : 100 000 of adult population per year. The disease equally affects men and women. No difference in case incidence has been observed in the urban and rural population, in spite of the territorial peculiarity of the Altai Region (third place in the Russian Federation for rural population numbers; a great number of small population villages, relying mainly on general medical services).