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Siberian Scientific Medical Journal

2019 year, number 2


Andrey Gennad’yevich SHCHUKO1,2,3, Olesya Valer’yevna PISAREVSKAYA1, Tat’yana Nikolaevna YUR’YEVA1,2, Erzhena Munko-Zhargalovna BAL’ZHIROVA3, Tat’yana Nikolayevna FROLOVA1, Larisa Sergeevna KHLEBNIKOVA1
1S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution of Minzdrav of Russia, Irkutsk Branch
2Irkutsk State Medical Academy - Branch of Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Vocational Education of Minzdrav of Russia
3Irkutsk State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia
Keywords: эпителий роговицы, корнеальный гистерезис, фактор резистентности роговицы, слезный мениск, дисбаланс цитокинов, фактор некроза опухоли-О±, интерлейкин-10, corneal epithelium, corneal hysteresis, corneal resistance factor, lacrimal meniscus, tumor necrosis factor О±, interleukin 10


The purpose is to assess the structural state of the cornea and pre-corneal lacrimal film in patients with myopia before refractive surgery, to identify the relationship with changes in cytokine concentration in the tear. Material and methods. 62 patients (124 eyes) with myopia were examined. The first group included 26 patients, only glasses were used for the correction of myopia, and in the 2nd group, 36 patients who used soft contact lenses during 5 to 15 years. Methods of examination: determination of the thickness of the corneal epithelium, height and width of the lacrimal meniscus, assessment of the biomechanical properties of the cornea, the Norn and Schirmer tests. Content of cytokines in the tear - interleukin 10 and tumor necrosis factor α - was measured using the test set «BEST» by enzyme immunoassay. Results. The decrease in the thickness of the epithelium of the cornea, the height and width of the lacrimal meniscus, the stability of the tear film, and the ratio of interleukin-10 to the tumor-α necrosis factor in patients who use contact lenses for a long time are revealed. The conclusion. Prolonged wearing of contact lenses for correction of myopia is accompanied by signs of symptomatic dry eye syndrome against a background of moderate oppression of the anti-inflammatory activity of tears.