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Siberian Scientific Medical Journal

2018 year, number 6


Konstantin Gennadyevich NOTOV1,2,3, Elena Gennadyevna NOVIKOVA1, Igor Viktorovich FEOFILOV2, Andrey Anatolyevich ERKOVICH2,3, Fedor Anatolyevich SEVRYUKOV4, Larisa Petrovna PLUTALOVA3, Igor Mikhaylovich MITROFANOV1,2, Vera Georgievna SELYATITSKAYA1
1Research Institute for Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Federal Research Center for Fundamental and Translational Medicine
2Novosibirsk State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia
3Railway Clinical Hospital at Novosibirsk Main Railway Station
4Railway Clinical Hospital at Nizhny Novgorod Railway Station
Keywords: женщины, возраст, хронический цистит, клинико-лабораторные характеристики, лейкоплакия мочевого пузыря, women, age, chronic cystitis, clinical and laboratory characteristics, bladder leukoplakia


The study included 348 women with chronic cystitis who were divided into 3 age groups: Group 1 - 20 to 39 years old; Group 2 - 40 to 59 years old; Group 3 - elderly age (60 years and older). Bacterial flora was detected for the total sample in 35.3 % of patients without significant differences between age groups. The results indicate that infection is not the only cause affecting the development and persistence of chronic inflammation of the bladder. The incidences of leukoplakia of the bladder in age groups 1, 2 and 3 were 71 %, 50 % and 11 %, respectively. The survey results revealed increasing severity of symptoms such as pelvic pain and urination disorders with age. The evaluation of urination diaries revealed a decrease in the bladder effective volume with age and an increase in urination frequency in the daytime and at night. A significant increase in symptoms in the presence of leukoplakia was also revealed. High incidence of squamous metaplasia and leukoplakia and increased frequency of exacerbations of cystitis in young women may be associated with the catatoxic, highly reactive type of response of the transitional epithelium of the bladder. Increasing symptoms such as urinary disorders in older women with chronic cystitis may be caused by an adverse effect of systemic metabolic factors of the disease pathogenesis.