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Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves

2018 year, number 6

Ignition and Combustion of Condensed Systems with Energy Fillers

V. A. Arkhipov, A. S. Zhukov, V. T. Kuznetsov, N. N. Zolotorev, N. A. Osipova, K. G. Perfil’eva
Tomsk State University, Tomsk, 634050 Russia
Keywords: конденсированная система, комбинированный окислитель, перхлорат аммония, нитрат аммония, энергетические наполнители, алюминий, бор, бориды алюминия, борид титана, время задержки зажигания, скорость горения, condensed system, combined oxidizer, ammonium perchlorate, ammonium nitrate, energy fillers, aluminum, boron, aluminum boride, titanium boride, ignition delay time, burning rate


This paper describes the results of an experimental study of ignition and combustion of condensed systems, containing energy fillers, i.e., powders of aluminum, boron, aluminum borides, and titanium. Compositions on a hydrocarbon or active fuel binder with a combined oxidizer (perchlorate and/or ammonium nitrate) are considered. Thermodynamic estimates for the ballistic characteristics of the compositions under study are given. It is shown that a unit pulse increases by 3.5% with the replacement of aluminum by boron in the compositions considered. It is experimentally determined that the time delay of ignition of boron-containing compositions decreases in conductive and radiant heat transfer and that the stationary burning rate of boron and aluminum boride containing compositions increases. The effectiveness of the impact of energy fillers on the characteristics of condensed systems as a function of the composition of a combined oxidizer is determined.