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Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves

2018 year, number 6

Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Combustion of Synthetic Fuel of Thermochemical Heat Regeneration Systems

D. I. Pashchenko
Samara State Technical University, Samara, 443100 Russia
Keywords: водород, горение, синтез-газ, термохимическая регенерация, CFD-моделирование, hydrogen, combustion, syngas, thermochemical regeneration, CFD modeling


CFD modeling of the combustion of synthetic fuel formed in the systems of thermochemical heat recovery of waste flue gas due to steam reforming of methane was performed. The studies were conducted using the ANSYS Fluent software. Scientific justification and validation of the physicomathematical approaches underlying the ANSYS Fluent for the problems of modeling the combustion of multicomponent hydrogen-containing gas mixes. Numerical results were validated against experimental data. A visual comparison of the flame contours obtained by burning syngas at Reynolds numbers of 600, 800, 1000 was perfomed. In all cases there is obvious convergence of results. Change in the temperature of the fuel-air mixture at the entrance to the combustion chamber was found to have no significant effect on the temperature of the combustion products. The obtained results are of practical importance for the design of the burner units of heating plants with thermochemical heat recovery.