Strongly Nonequilibrium Model of Thermal Ignition with Account for Space-Time Nonlocality
V. A. Kudinov, A. V. Eremin, I. V. Kudinov, V. V. Zhukov
Samara State Technical University, Samara, 443100 Russia
Keywords: локально-неравновесный теплообмен, время релаксации, нелинейный источник тепла, тепловое воспламенение, время задержки теплового воспламенения, численное решение, locally nonequilibrium heat exchange, relaxation time, nonlinear heat source, thermal ignition, thermal ignition time delay, numerical solution
A modified Fourier law with account for heat flux relaxation and scalar value of the temperature gradient serves as a basis for the mathematical model of the locally nonequilibrium process of thermal ignition of systems with a hear source exponentially changing due to temperature. It is shown by the studies performed under the boundary conditions of the first kind that accounting for the space-time nonlocality increases the time delay of thermal ignition. Moreover, it is shown that, when the relaxation properties of the material are considered, the boundary conditions can only be accepted after a certain time rather than instantaneously. Consequently, the amount of heat fed to the system has a limitthat depends on the physical properties (including relaxation properties) of the medium.