Flame Shape in a Nonstationary Flow of a HCHO PLIF Swirled Turbulent Jet
A. S. Lobasov1,2, S. S. Abdurakipov1,2, L. M. Chikishev1,2, V. M. Dulin1,2, D. M. Markovich1,2
1Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia 2Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia
Keywords: форма пламени в закрученной струе, когерентные структуры, панорамная лазерно-индуцированная флуоресценция, флуоресценция формальдегида, метод главных компонент, flame shape in a swirled jet, coherent structures, panoramic laser-induced fluorescence, formaldehyde fluorescence, principal component method
This paper describes the experimental study of the spatial structure of a chemical reaction zone in a turbulent flow of a jet swirled by means of panoramic laser-induced formaldehyde fluorescence. The burning of an air-methane mixture under atmospheric pressure and at different excess coefficients of fuel φ: the burning of an inverse cone shaped flame φ = 0.7- 1.4 and the burning of an elevated flame φ = 2.5. Aside from small-scale deformations, the changes in the shape of the chemical reaction zone is coupled with two types of large-scale coherent structures, namely the virtually axisymmetric deformation mode of the flame front, which is probably due to the action of Archimedes forces on the combustion products, and the rotation of the asymmetric mode due to the precession of the swirled flow.