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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2018 year, number 5

Mechanochemical Interaction of Quercetin and Glucose. Detecting Glycoside Bond in IR Spectra

Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: glycoside bond, quercetin, glucose, IR spectrum, quantum chemical modeling, mechanochemical activation
Pages: 525-529


Reactions of quercetin and carbohydrates produce different compounds. IR spectroscopy detects glycoside bond formation. The reaction for the synthesis of glycosides in solution is labour-consuming and costly in time and resources. Nevertheless, reaction progress becomes easier in the solid phase. An opportunity to generate glycosides during mechanochemical activation of a mixture of solid quercetin and glucose significantly simplifies and cheapens some technologies in the food industry and feed preparation. IR spectra of quercetin, glucose, and isoquercitrin were acquired by quantum chemical modeling (Gaussian 09) in the initial step. They were then obtained experimentally for reagents and possible reaction products (Tensor 27, Bruker).  New absorption bands were detected  in IR spectra. Absorption bands in the 950–1050 cm–1 region are typical for the formation of a glycoside bond from carbohydrate and aglycone and may be assigned to the natural glycoside isoquercitrin.

DOI: 10.15372/CSD201805011