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ECO journal (ECOnomics and industrial Engineering)

2018 year, number 2

Methodological Problems of Analysis of the Reproduction of Human Capital in Russia

A. O. Baranov1,2, Yu.M. Slepenkova1,2
1Novosibirsk State University
2Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS
Keywords: человеческий капитал, пропорции формирования валового выпуска, экономика России, Нuman capital, proportions of gross output formation, Russian economy

Abstract >>
The article analyzes the category “human capital”, suggests an approach to modeling the reproduction of human capital by analogy with fixed capital, provides a different treatment from the traditional distribution of the gross output of the branches of Health, Education and Culture between final consumption, intermediate consumption and accumulation, an extended concept of accumulation is proposed with the inclusion in it investment in human capital

The Labor Market and the Quality of Human Capital

A. A. Shirov1, V. V. Potapenko1
Institute of Economic Forecasting RAS
Keywords: человеческий капитал, демография, уровень жизни, экономическая политика, рынок труда, Human capital, demography, living standard, economic policy, labor market

Abstract >>
The paper considers the main links between human capital and economy in Russia: demography, employment by occupation and living standards. It is shown that indicators of human capital development in Russia are lower than in the most developed countries. However, there is strong basis to expect reduction of the gap.

Are the Returns to Human Capital Assets in Russia Really Great?

A. V. Koritsky
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Keywords: человеческий капитал, производственная функция, отдача фонда образования, Нuman capital, production function, returns to the education fund

Abstract >>
The article gives an estimate to the reproduction cost of education in Russian regions. The regression analysis of the linearized macroeconomic production function carried out in the research has made the calculation of the returns to physical and human capital possible. As a result, the elasticity coefficients of the population income in terms of fixed assets and education fund are approximately equal. It has been concluded that the effects of fixed assets and education fund in monetary estimation on the incomes of the population of the Russian regions are approximately the same. In the meanwhile, the aggregate investments in education, both public and private, are several times lower than fixed asset investment.

Staffing of Textile and Light Industry: Problems and Search for Solution

O. A. Kolennikova
Institute of Social and Economic Studies of Population ISESP RAS
Keywords: кадровое обеспечение, легкая промышленность, стратегическое планирование, трудовой потенциал, профессиональная подготовка, государственная поддержка, Staffing, textile and light industry, strategic planning, labor potential, training, state support

Abstract >>
The article analyzes the problems of staffing of the textile and light industry enterprises, which arose in the course of implementing the state policy in relation to the industry. The main problems that were launched during the ill-conceived transition to the market economy are high turnover of the staff; sustained shortage of workers of key professions; presence of a significant number of personnel without specialized vocational education, including in the management team; limited (up to complete absence) training of the industry specialists in universities and colleges; the fall of the function of training for worker’s specialties on the shoulders of enterprises with their acute deficite of financial and other resources for these purposes. It has been established that the leading factors that allow enterprises to survive are the proper quality of managerial activity, support from the regional authorities and the use of cheap labor. However, these factors do not solve the problem of staff shortages. According to the survey conducted by ISESP RAS among the heads of enterprises with using the qualitative interview method (2016), it is not possible to fully resolve personnel issues, as the opportunities for using “cheap” workers are narrowing, and only comprehensive programs for the development of the entire industry can encourage incentives for long-term investments in the re-equipment of production and improvement the quality of labor potential. The policy of the state is estimated by respondents as nothing more than an interest in the development of the industry, supplemented by single measures of support.

Social Measurement of Employment and Unemployment of Disabled People on the Mesoeconomic Level

L. M. Nizova, E. N. Sorokina
Volga State Technological University, Yoshkar-Ola
Keywords: рынок труда, занятость, безработица, инвалиды, активные программы содействия занятости, специализированное рабочее место, самозанятость, квотирование рабочих мест, конкурентоспособность инвалидов, Labor market, employment, unemployment, people with disabilities, active employment promotion programs, a specialized workplace, self-employment, job quotas, competitiveness of disabled people

Abstract >>
Trends in the employment of disabled people on the basis of statistical observations have been studied. The practice of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is summarized: the republics of Mari El, Bashkiria, the Crimea and the Lipetsk region, and federal and mesoeconomic indicators are compared. This made it possible to identify priorities and problems in the sphere of labor and employment of people with disabilities, the most important of which are: the creation of specialized jobs, job placement, quoting of jobs, training and retraining, a direction for self-employment. Out of the whole variety of subsystems of the economy, the labor market of the disabled and its individual segments have the highest degree of uncertainty, unpredictability, the greatest variety of criteria for its assessment and forecast, specificity of functioning. Based on the monitoring of social dimensions and generalization of the positive experience of the regions, measures are proposed to update the labor potential of people with disabilities: the development of mentoring in the framework of accompanying young disabled people; encouraging employers to create and quote specialized workplaces by reducing the tax burden; targeted training of people with disabilities to improve their competitiveness in the labor market; improvement of social partnership of interested bodies and non-profit organizations in creating a barrier-free environment, accessibility to the workplace and social protection of disabled persons on the basis of the state program «Affordable Environment».

Innovation Bureaucracy

S. A. Barkov
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Keywords: бюрократия, инновации, повышение квалификации, образование, рутины, инструкции, проекты, компьютер, Интернет, Вureaucracy, innovation, training, education, routine, instructions, projects, computer, Internet

Abstract >>
The bureaucracy continues to exist in the post-industrial society. Innovation bureaucracy emerges. It is associated with the innovation management. The article describes the objective causes of the situation: routines in the organization of the innovation process, the need of the bureaucracy in the implementation of large-scale projects, monitoring of innovation budgets. While working with innovation, the bureaucracy retains its nature, and tries to substitute genuine creativity by multitude administrative procedures, the invention of which constitutes its substance. In particular, such a situation occurs when computers and the Internet as well as with programs of personnel’s training and development.

On the Effects and Paradoxes of Import Substitution in the Context of National Food Security

R. R. Gumerov, N. V. Guseva
Institute for Macroeconomic Studies
Keywords: национальная продовольственная безопасность, импортозамещение, продовольственная самообеспеченность, национальная продовольственная стратегия, физическая и экономическая доступность продовольствия, National food security, import substitution, food self-sufficiency, national food strategy, physical and economic access to food

Abstract >>
The article provides a comprehensive assessment of the current policy of import substitution in the agro-food market, based on the balance of its positive and negative effects. It is concluded that the policy of import substitution should take into account potential risks and threats associated with both the possible accompanying increase in food prices and the deterioration in the food status of the least well-off groups of the population, as well as with the technical and technological dependence of domestic agricultural production on the external market.

The World Through the Eyes of Mayors

E. E. Gorjachenko, K. V. Malov
Institute of Economic and Industrial Engineering SB RAS
Keywords: мэры городов, социологический опрос, Поволжье, Урал, Сибирь, оценка социально-экономической ситуации, санкции против России, настроение населения, выборы мэра города, помощь городам, Сity mayors, sociological interviews, Siberia, Ural, Volga region, socioeconomic situation estimates, sanctions against Russia, mood of the population, city mayors elections, aid to towns

Abstract >>
There are results of 2017 year sociological interviews Siberia, Ural and Volga region city mayors. Problems of Russia socioeconomic situation estimates, impact of international sanctions against Russia, mood of the population the role of municipal administration in the power structure, feasibility of city mayors elections, aid to towns are discussed.

What is the Effectiveness of Public Administration at the Regional Level?

D. A. Borisov
Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management
Keywords: Новосибирская область, внешнеэкономическая деятельность Новосибирской области, стратегия развития, эффективность государственного управления, проблемы регионального развития, Novosibirsk region, foreign economic activity, development strategy, public administration efficiency, regional development problems

Abstract >>
The article examines the problem of the effectiveness of public administration at the regional level by the example of realizing the strategic planning of foreign economic activity of the Novosibirsk region. The study assesses macroeconomic indicators of the quality of foreign economic infrastructure and the effectiveness of state regulation at the national level. The author with the case-study approach conducts a comparative retrospective analysis of the doctrinal sources of the Novosibirsk region and statistical data in the sphere of foreign trade activities, which allows to define the Novosibirsk region as a region with low efficiency of state administration in the sphere of foreign economic activity. The paper points out the most problematic elements of the strategic policy of the Novosibirsk region. It is emphasized that the current strategic planning of the regional development does not meet modern realities.

Efficiency Analysis of the State Support of Small Enterprises in the Subjects of the Russian Federation

S. O. Musienko1, E. A. Fedorova1, F. Yu. Fedorov2
1Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
2Limited Liability Company Redsys
Keywords: малый бизнес, индекс Малмквиста, регионы России, эффективность, SME, Malmquist index, regions of Russia, efficiency

Abstract >>
The article assesses the effectiveness of small enterprises in the Russian regions based on the calculation of the Malmquist index. The results of the calculations revealed there is a trend to efficiency decrease starting since 2014 in the most regions. The best value of technical efficiency change in 2015 discovered in the Far Eastern Federal district, the worst rate of technical efficiency change of SME in both 2015 and 2014 discovered in the North Caucasian Federal district. We assume that the decrease of efficiency of small enterprises activity occurred due to the fact that in 2013 there has been a sharp reduction of budget expenditures to support small and medium-sized businesses.

Russian Private Equity Funds: New Economic and Investment Reality

M. M. Musatova1,2, L. I. Lugacheva1,2
1Novosibirsk national research state University
2Institute of Economics and industrial engineering SB RAS
Keywords: фонды частных прямых инвестиций, индикаторы деятельности фондов PE, Funds of private direct investment, indicators of activities of PE funds

Abstract >>
The article analyzes the key trends at the private equity market (PE), which came about in the current economic circumstances in Russia. We evaluate PE flows and performance of PE funds in Russia based on macroeconomic indicators, vis-a-vis BRICS countries. We further discuss regional and institutional aspects of private equity transactions in the period of sanctions and recession, as well as promising industry preferences of investors in the PE market.

Between Dirigisme and Etatism: Innovations of State-Economic Development in Siberia within the Context of Russian Experience (1914-1920)

V. M. Rynkov1,2
1Institute of History SB RAS
2Novosibirsk State University
Keywords: государственное регулирование, огосударствление, Сибирь, революция, Гражданская война, государственный аппарат, советская власть, антибольшевистские правительства, State regulation, nationalization, Siberia, revolution, Civil war, state apparatus, Soviet regime, anti-Bolshevist government

Abstract >>
The article reveals all-Russian tendencies and unique approaches to economy management of Siberia and neighboring territories during the crisis of the First World War, revolution of 1917 and Civil war. Primary focus is on changes in the structure of government authorities. Variety of organizational forms of Russian and Siberian economy management that emerged at the given period was within the range from market to state regulation. More distinct industry specialization was the common tendency for economic administration and formation of independent administration of social character.

Forecast of Russian Economy Development for the Period 2012-2015

M.P. Chemodanov
Novosibirsk State University

Abstract >>
In this issue we present a small extract from the manuscript that will be fully posted on the magazine's website

Realization of Public Participation Projects in Russia and their Development Risks

A. E. Pastukhanov
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Keywords: государственно-частное партнерство, концессионные соглашения, государственные контракты, проекты с государственным участием, риски инфраструктурных проектов, управление рисками государственно-частных проектов, Public Private Partnership, concessionary agreement, public contract, public participation projects, risks of infrastructure projects, management of PPP risks

Abstract >>
This article is devoted to the analysis of public-private projects realization in Russia as well as to the identifying the specific features of this type of projects and their risks. The author of the article uses the following general scientific approaches: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, method of classification, logical analysis and methods of comparative analysis. It is spoken in details about the advisability of using the notion «public participation projects» for defining a wide range of public-private projects implementing in Russia. In the final part of the article the author suggests the approach to classification of risks associated with this types of projects in terms of agrements.