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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2018 year, number 1

Using spectral distribution of radiance temperature and relative emissivity for determination of the true temperature of opaque materials

S.P. Rusin

Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS, Moscow, Russia

Keywords: true temperature, spectrum of thermal radiation, relative emissivity


A method for determining the thermodynamic (true) temperature of opaque materials by the registered spectrum of thermal radiation under the conditions when we do not know emissivity of a free-radiating body is presented. A special function, which is a product of relative emissivity of tungsten by the radiation wavelength, was used as the input data. The accuracy of results is analyzed. It is shown that when using relative emissivity, the proposed algorithm can be used both within the range of applicability of the Wien approximation and the Planck formula.

DOI: 10.1134/S0869864318010122