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Siberian Scientific Medical Journal

2018 year, number 1


Sergey Yurevich LAVRIK1, Aleksey Sergeevich BORISOV2, Vladimir Viktorovich SHPRAKH1
1Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education - Branch of Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education of Minzdrav of Russia
2Clinics of Irkutsk State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia
Keywords: головокружение, постуральная неустойчивость, отоневрология, vertigo, postural instability, otoneurology


The analysis of contemporary literature data considering main reason and mechanisms of vestibular vertigo development in neurological patients has been carried out. The method of clinical and device-based investigation of spontaneous and induced nystagmus, differential-diagnostic signs of internal ear diseases, and main neurologic syndromes of vestibular system irritation and damage have been reported. The clinical peculiarities in patients with psychogenic vertigo and postural instability have been presented; the demand of deep analysis of pharmacologic interaction between the taken drugs in light of possible undesirable effects of conducted treatment has been demonstrated. According to majority of literature researches, the sharp and chronic cerebrovascular diseases matched by incidence with vestibular migraine have predominated among the neurological reasons of central vestibular vertigo. The neurinoma of vestibulocochlear nerve (among newgrowth) the most frequently leads to vertigo, however the awareness concerning brain space-occupying lesion is as well important in case of cerebellar or brainstem localization of the process. The relevance of screening otoneurologic examination and videonystagmography conduction has been demonstrated in differential diagnostics of vertigo different types. The modern effective and secure methods of the patients’ treatment and rehabilitation have been reported in the review. The role of vestibular trainings, as well as the use of simulators based on biological feedback principles have been emphasized.