Structure of Plant Communities of the Initial Stages of Succession on Anthropogenic Sandy Outcrops of the Forest-Tundra and Northern Taiga of West Siberia
1Tobolsk Complex Scientific Station of the Ural Branch of RAS, 626152, Tobolsk, academician Yu. Osiрov str., 15 u 2Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, 626152, Tobolsk, academician Yu. Osiрov str., 15 u 3Tobolsk Complex Scientific Station of the Ural Branch of RAS, 614990, Perm, Sibirskaya str., 24
Keywords: запесочивание, песчаные обнажения, сукцессия, зарастание, северотаежная подзона, лесотундра, Западная Сибирь, sandy outcrop, eroded soil, succession, overgrowing, north-taiga subzone, forest-tundra, West Siberia
The results of the study of taxonomic, ecological and phytocenotic structure of plant communities formed in the initial stages of overgrowing the anthropogenic sandy outcrops within the forest-tundra zone and the subzone of the northern taiga forests of West Siberia are presented. At the pioneering stages of vegetative cover restoration, there are two to eleven species growing into sparse communities of the Loiseleurio-Vaccinietea, Artemisietea vulgaris and Koelerio-Corynephoretea classes. The participation in the recovery succession on the sandy outcrops of some meso-xerophitic forest-tundra, meadow-margin and weed herbaceous plant species and dwarf shrubs mostly with ruderal and stress-tolerant eco-phytocenotic strategies, as well as with secondary strategies - violent-ruderal and ruderal-stress-tolerant strategies are shown. The primary succession begins at the bottom and slopes of the quarry ditches, as well as on the surface of the sand dunes, and proceeds on an accelerated scenario. In the initial stages of succession participate hygro-, meso- and xerophilous species, predominantly oligo-mesotrophic rhizome and densely turf grass plants and shrubs of the native flora as well as ground lichens.