V. I. Kostenko
Omsk State Pedagogical University, 644099, Russia, Omak, Naberezhaua Tyxathevskogo, 14
Keywords: скульптура, конструктивно-пластическое восприятие, гармония, эстетическое восприятие, sculpture, constructive and plastic perception, harmony, esthetic perception
The author analyzes the problem of development of the perception in the sculpture classes which is the first step of cognition and originally acting as rather simple act of inadvertent reflection of the reality that surrounds the person. In its development, perception turns into specific purposeful activity of observation allowing getting deeper into the world of perceived phenomena with a specific goal. And then, perception becomes a complex form of cognition, includes not the simple sum of feelings, but integrity and concreteness, separate types of feelings which form the generalized image of a thing. In the article it is noted that in the sculptural molding classes, by means of perception, there is realized sensory perception of various objects, their volume, size, remoteness, proportions and also spatial properties, time and movement. However in the course of training it is necessary to develop professional perception of students that assumes existence of constructive and plastic perception of a subject of the image. Formation of constructive and plastic perception is preceded by the process of receiving the quantitative information on an object. The fullest cognition of regularities and communications happens in the course of logical judgment based on theoretical, scientific knowledge of plastic anatomy, perspective that allows discovering deep connections of the perceived. Thanks to theoretical knowledge, it is possible to carry out various cogitative operations. In the graphic activity it is possible to speak about purposeful perception which is controlled and is subject specifically to the set objectives. There are ways of controlling the visual perception: first of all, the mindset which predetermines the direction of graphic actions of the artist.