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"Philosophy of Education"

2017 year, number 4


O. V. Shalyapin1, V. I. Kostenko2
1Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, 630126, Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Vileuiiskaya, 28
2Omsk State Pedagogical University, 644099, Russia, Omak, Naberezhaua Tyxathevskogo, 14
Keywords: скульптура, выразительный художественный образ, гармония, стилизация формы, sculpture, expressive artistic image, harmony, stylization of form


The authors analyze a problem of studying the specifics of perception for the sculptural image which consists in that the individual properties and qualities of the perceived object act in a uniform complex and is perceived as an integral whole. In the pedagogical practice, this integrity of perception needs to be formed since this is the main condition for the creation of the complete sculptural image. Nevertheless, the impression about the model gained at its perception is insufficiently full without fixing of an adequate image in the material. In the article it is noted that the most important purpose of work of the sculptor consists in finding a «speaking pose» of the model and in the ability to decode the inner world of the perceived nature by its external signs. At the same time, an essential component of stylistic features in a sculpture is the portrayal of movement which differs from the portrayal of movement in other types of the fine arts and forms a basis for spiritualizing of images, for the reproduction of their inner meaning. In sculpture, as in no other type of fine arts, the figurative opportunities of gestures and movements are used for the reproduction of the plastic state of the character since they promote understanding the principle of image designing. At the same time, the plan, whatever it be, is implemented by the plastic means: the strained or relaxed muscles, a torso curve, a support on one leg or both legs - such is this language. In article it is especially noted that the requirements to searching an expressive artistic image (a sign, symbol of expression, mood, idea) requires an original solution and a laconic stylized image form.