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"Philosophy of Education"

2017 year, number 4


K. A. Kravchenko1, V. I. Kostenko2
1Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, 630126, Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Vileuiiskaya, 28
2Omsk State Pedagogical University, 644099, Russia, Omak, Naberezhaua Tyxathevskogo, 14
Keywords: скульптура, художественный замысел, гармония, эстетическое воспитание, sculpture, artistic design, harmony, esthetic upbringing


The authors analyze the problems of training in sculpture, which is necessary to build on the same scientific bases as the training in other disciplines. It is quite obvious that the development of constructive and plastic perception and volume and spatial thinking is an integral educational process which harmoniously forms creative abilities of the student. Mastering technical and technological components of work is carried out in overcoming those difficulties that students face. In the article it is noted that at an initial stage of imaging the analytical beginnings do not yet actively participate; the emotional and spatial perception of the model dictates so far the emotional image which needs to be recorded in sculptural material. The technique of training in art of molding is based on idea of the sequence of stages of formation of the sculptural etude of a figure of the person. First of all, the sculptor needs to form an initial plan of composition. It may include the objectives of the compositions, the composition options, rhythmic order, plastic solution and so on. An impulse to the correct formation of a plan is the verbal analysis of model made by the teacher. In the article it is especially noted that it is impossible to form constructive and plastic perception separately from training in the elementary technique of sculpture, composition, from esthetic education, because it is an integral process.