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"Philosophy of Education"

2017 year, number 4


M. A. Abramova1, R. V. Kamenev2
1Novosibirsk State University, 630126, Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Vileuiiskaya, 28
2Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, 630126, Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Vileuiiskaya, 28
Keywords: высокие технологии, высшее образование, инновационное развитие, теория систем, технологическая культура, high tech, higher education, innovation development, systems theory, technological culture


In article on the basis of the analysis of policy documents actualizarea the task of training of specialists in high technology. Considers the concept of «high technology» (high technology) and the role of the phenomenon from the perspective of system theory. contributing to evolutionary change not only in the field for which they were developed, but imusa wide range of effects on the entire socio-cultural system as a whole and each individual in particular. The use of high technology has led to a breakthrough in educational activities and resulted in high requirements to the technological culture of specialists: the ability to build a program of its activities and implement it, the knowledge of modern information technologies. Affected structural component of the educational process. Formed a kind of new specialization for teachers - the teacher technologist. Changed the logic of the sequence of the preparatory and organizational phases of the educational process, which gives a visual representation of how the teaching technique becomes technology. The development of cognitive independence of students in the process of professional training is considered as a quality of personality, which combines the acquisition of new knowledge, the ability of their creative application in various situations and is becoming a major challenge. The rapid implementation of high technologies requires regular updating of educational programs and educational-methodical complexes of disciplines, which rely on modern computer technology. Specificity of education in a situation when access to information is open on one side creates conditions for diversity search, and with another - raises the problem of selection of information. But the most important becomes the task of forming a new information world and information culture of future specialists, responsive to all of the new technological proposals, ready to continuous development and revision of their level of education, efficient use of existing and newly formed information potential of society - and it becomes one of the preconditions for the birth of a synergistic effect on the development of the technological process of society as a whole. Analysis of the role of high technology has helped to clarify the definition of high technology in the aspect of professional training and demonstrate their role in the framework of philosophy of technology and education as determining possible forms of a radical transformation of the education system, as well as update their value of training of modern specialists the high technologies for the innovative development of the country.