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"Philosophy of Education"

2017 year, number 4


P. G. Vegner, B. N. Kagirov, M. S. Terentyev, N. A. Khimicheva, L. G. Shebalina
Altai State Medical University, 656038, Russia, Barnaul, av. Prospect Lenina, 40
Keywords: управление, педагогическое управление, вузовское самоуправление, менеджмент, спортивно-массовая работа, физкультурно-спортивный менеджмент, management, pedagogical management, university self-management, management, sports-mass work, physical education and sports management


On the basis of general scientific and philosophical knowledge on management, pedagogical management in the field of education, a particular type of management in the system of university management, physical education and sports management is considered. Its specificity consists in uniting several links into the general scheme of work: administrative influences of the university administration (according to the implementation of the comprehensive plan for conducting educational, sports and mass work), the sport clubs of the university, the heads of sport sections, organizational structures of the Chair of physical education and healthy lifestyle, as well as the bodies of student self-government. The real effectiveness of physical education and sports management is assessed: by the general level of physical fitness, physical health of the bulk of students; by the degree of familiarizing young people with healthy lifestyle; on the formation of health-improving worldview; by the number of participants and attractiveness for young people of the events; by the level of activity of student government; by the physical education and sports achievements of the university.