S. Mendonca1, A. E. S. Q. Assis2
1PUC Campinas, Brazil, Campinas, Rodovia, D. Pedro I. 136 km 2UNICAMP, Brazil, Campinas. R. da Reitoria
Keywords: философия, этика, знание, Philosophy, Ethics, Knowledge
This paper presents, synthetically, three dear themes to the teaching of Philosophy: philosophy, ethics and knowledge as strategies for this teaching in the context of differences, considered from the perspective of the concept of «Will to Power» (Der Wille zur Macht), from Friedrich Nietzsche. If the Brazilian Law n.º 11.864 of 2008, determines the teaching of Philosophy in high school throughout Brazil, what are the risks that this teaching establish itself in a dogmatic format and therefore anti-philosophical? We argue that the «Will to Power» (Der Wille zur Macht) may constitute an important educational concept background to the teachers, consequently, as a hypothesis for a non-dogmatic teaching. The problem of the manuscript is: Can Philosophy teaching resist the formulation of consummate truths? The conclusion is that two characteristics should mark the Philosophy teaching: (i) the need to use the philosophical method and therefore the pursuit of knowledge should be the unifying axis of teaching and (ii) the need for adaptation of classical philosophy texts to the students' lives. If the students live in a world constantly influenced by technology, then the Philosophy teacher should explore the use of technological resources. Thus, the chances of success are always higher. Lastly, despite a paradoxically «regular» construction of philosophy classes, considering the didactics for the differences, what is sought, ultimately, is the philosophical experience or, if so desired, the rehearsal that provides other living constructions continuously. The Will to Power is a key to ensuring a non-dogmatic education.