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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2017 year, number 5

Assessment of the Opportunity of Obtaining Flotation Reagents Based on Products of Ozonation of Sapropelite Coal and Oil Shale

1Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kemerovo, Russia
2Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kemerovo, Russia
Keywords: озонирование, горючие сланцы, флотореагенты, ozonation, oil shale, flotation reagents
Pages: 503-510


The paper carries out comparative analysis of products composition of ozonolytic destruction of sapropelite coal and oil shale kerogen from various fields of Russia. Sapropelite ozonation products could be used as fatty acid substitutes and other traditional flotation reagents based on oil during enrichment of metal ores and fossil fuels, as demonstrated. Thus, solid fossil fuels of sapropelite nature (properly sapropelite coal and non-sulphurous shale) that have a relatively regular structure of organic substances and oxidation products of uniform composition (mainly aliphatic mono- (C9-C25) and dicarboxylic (C2-C12) acids) could be considered as raw materials for obtaining analogues of flotation reagents based on oil that are used in the processes of enrichment of oxidized ores of non-ferrous metals, non-silicate salts of alkaline earth metals and ferrous metal carbonates. Products of ozonation of Barzas sapromixite (aliphatic, aromatic, and hydroaromatic acids) of sapropelite-humus nature may show shorthand and foaming properties in flotation of oxidized metallic ores and solid fossil fuels (coal and shale). Product composition of ozonation of Kashpirsk sulphur shale (aliphatic and sulphonic acids) allows obtaining sulpho-containing oxyhydryl flotation reagents based thereon. The latter can be used as collectors of non-sulphide minerals and emulsifiers. It is concluded that industrial development of oil shale Dmitrievsky and Barzas sapromixite deposits is promising. They are compactly located in the territory of the Kuznetsk Coal Basin with developed transport infrastructure and the presence of concentration plants in order to obtain chemicals and flotation reagents therefrom.

DOI: 10.15372/CSD20170510