Study of Resistance of Biocomposite Phosphorus-Potassium Fertilizers Based on Birch Bark to Washing-Out of the Active Components
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Keywords: биокомпозитное удобрение, кора березы, пропитка, калий, фосфаты, вымывание, biocomposite fertilizer, birch bark, impregnation, potassium, phosphates, washing-out
Pages: 460-468
Resistance of biocomposite fertilizers (BF) obtained via impregnation of porous substrates of bast and birch bark by an aqueous solution of K2НРО4 to washing-out of potassium was studied. The effect of drying temperature, acid treatment conditions, and initial potassium contents on its aqueous washing-out from the resulting fertilizers was found. Washing-out of potassium and phosphates from BF obtained under different conditions was compared. Fertilizers based on a substrate from the bast exceed those produced using birch bark by their resistance to washing-out of potassium by an average of 1.2 times, as demonstrated. Fertilizers production with maximum resistance to washing-out of potassium and phosphates requires that the amount of salt applied onto substrates should not exceed 29.5 mass %, as established. The resulting BF were characterized by the ability to slow isolation of the active components. After aqueous washing-out for 30 days, no less than 19.5 mass % of phosphates and potassium remained therein, which ensured the effect of prolonged action. The introduction of BF into peat soil in the amount of 5.0-15 mass % had little effect on its acidity. It was shown that BF based on substrates of bast and birch bark were not inferior to industrial granular fertilizer on their resistance to washing-out of phosphates, and on resistance to washing-out of potassium, on the contrary, surpassed it.
DOI: 10.15372/CSD20170504