Effect of the Nature and Amount of Binders for Activity of Ni/ZSM-5 Catalyst during Transformation of the Straight-Run Gasoline Fraction of Oil
Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: цеолит ZSM-5, нанопорошок никеля, связующее вещество, псевдобемит, гидраргиллит, кислотность, активность, прямогонная бензиновая фракция нефти, переработка, ZSM-5 zeolite, nickel nanopowder, binder, pseudoboehmite, hydrargillite, acidity, activity, straight-run gasoline fraction of oil, processing
Pages: 451-459
The Ni/ZSM-5 samples were prepared by dry mechanical stirring of ZSM-5 zeolite with Ni nanopowder with 50 nm average particle size in terms of 0.5 mass %. Based on them, zeolite-containing catalysts with pseudoboehmite and hydrargillite containing 10, 20, 30 and 40 mass % of Al2O3 were obtained. Acid characteristics of the resulting samples were studied by the technique of temperature-programmed desorption of ammonia. The strength and concentration of catalyst acid sites were determined. Acidity decreased with increasing binder amount in zeolite, as established. Catalytic activity of nickel-containing samples with binder was studied during transformation of the straight-run gasoline fraction of oil. A part of pseudoboehmite used as binder to prepare catalysts could be replaced with its precursor, i.e . hydrargillite, as demonstrated. The yield of the liquid product, in the composition of which the aromatic hydrocarbon fraction decreased and the proportion of isoalkanes increased, rose during increasing binder content in the catalyst and carrying out transformation of the straight-run gasoline fraction of oil under high hydrogen pressure conditions.
DOI: 10.15372/CSD20170503