Multi-Rail Launcher of Solids Powered from a Pulsed Magnetodhydrodynamic Generator
S. V. Stankevich1,2, G. A. Shvetsov1,2, V. G. Butov3, S. V. Sinyaev3
1Lavrent'ev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia 2Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, 630073 Russia 3Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, 634050 Russia
Keywords: многорельсовый электромагнитный ускоритель, нагрев рельсов, численное моделирование, импульсный магнитогидродинамический генератор, multi-rail electromagnetic accelerator, heating of the rails, numerical simulation, pulsed magnetohydrodynamic generator
The operation of rapid-fire multi-rail electromagnetic launchers of solids in a burst mode is analyzed by numerical modeling in two-dimensional and three-dimensional nonstationary formulations. In the calculations, the launchers are powered from a Sakhalin pulsed magnetohydrodynamic generator. Launchers with three and five pairs of parallel rails connected in a series electrical circuit are considered. Bursts of different numbers of solids having different weight are modeled. It is established that the heating of rails is one of the main factors limiting the performance of launchers under such conditions is. It is shown, that the rate of heating of the rails is determined by the inhomogeneity of the current density distribution over the rail cross-section due to the nonstationary diffusion of the magnetic field into the rails. Calculations taking into account the nonstationary nature of the current density distribution in the rails of a multi-rail launcher have shown that a proper choice of the weight of the accelerated solids (up to 800 g), their number in the burst, and the material of the rails makes it possible to attain launching velocities of 1.8-2.5 km/s at moderate heating of the rails.