Optimal resource consumption control of perturbed systems
V.M. Aleksandrov
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, 4 Acad. Koptyug avenue, Novosibirsk, Russia, 630090
Keywords: оптимальное управление, расход ресурса, возмущение, время перевода, быстродействие, моменты переключений, итерационный процесс, сопряженная система, фазовая траектория, optimal control, resource consumption, perturbation, moving time, switching moments, iterative process, conjugate system, phase trajectory
A method for calculating the optimal consumption of the resource control of perturbed dynamic systems. This method includes both normal and singular solutions. According to the method proposed the problem is subdivided into three independent tasks: 1) a consideration of the effects of perturbations on the system; 2) computation of the optimal control structure; 3) computation of the switching moments of optimal control. A consideration of the effects of perturbations on the system and transfer to a non-zero final state are reduced to the transformation of the initial and final states of the systems. The structure calculation is based on the relation between deviations in the initial conditions of the conjugate systems and deviations of the phase trajectory at the completion instant. An iterative algorithm has been developed, its characteristics being considered. The results of modeling and numerical calculations are given.