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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2017 year, number 6

Mathematical modeling of climate and ecological processes in urban areas

V.V. Penenko, E.A. Tsvetova
Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, 6, Ac. Lavrentieva ave., 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: вариационный принцип, модели гидродинамики и химии атмосферы, усвоение данных, параметризация вертикальной турбулентности, мезоклиматы, перенос примесей, городская агломерация, Новосибирск, variational principle, model of hydrodynamics and chemistry of the atmosphere, data assimilation, parameterization of vertical turbulence, mesoclimate, air pollution, urban area, Novosibirsk


We discuss the development of a modeling system for the study of climatic and environmental problems in urban areas exposed to natural and anthropogenic impacts. Some typical tasks are considered: formation of mesoclimates and air quality of urban agglomerations against the background of global processes in specific regions. The models of hydrodynamics, transport, and transformation of various substances in the gas and aerosol states are used for solving direct and inverse problems of this class. The modeling technology is based on variational principles and the concept of adjoint integrating factors. This provides a consistent unification of all the models, the construction of numerical schemes, and assimilation of operational data from various monitoring tools. We propose a new algorithm for the implementation of the model for parameterization of the vertical turbulent exchange in the arbitrary stratified atmosphere. The results of the scenarios of the formation of the typical mesoclimates and distribution of impurities in the atmosphere of Novosibirsk agglomeration are presented.