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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2017 year, number 2

Influence of Hydrothermal Conditions of the Tom River Basin on Ecological Groups of Flora

Institute of Human Ecology, FRC CCC SB, RAS, 650065, Kemerovo, Leningradskiy аve., 10
Keywords: температура воздуха, атмосферные осадки, коэффициент корреляции, экологический спектр, экологические группы, флора, бассейн р. Томь, air temperature, atmospheric precipitation, correlation coefficient, ecological spectrum, environmental groups, flora, the Tom river basin


The results of study of the ratio of hydrothermal (temperature and precipitation) conditions and ecological spectrum of the flora of vascular plants of the Tom river basin are presented. On the basis of the calculated coefficients of linear correlation between average monthly temperature data and sediments and environmental groups of model basins, it was found that the influence of the main parameters of hydrothermal regime (temperature and precipitation) on the plains and in the mountains, in varying degrees, affected the ecological spectrum of the flora. Hydrothermal conditions of the cold period of the annual cycle have the greatest impact on environmental features.