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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2016 year, number 6

Extraction of Non-Ferrous Metals and Iron (III) from Sulphate Solutions with Versatic 10 Monocarboxylic Acid Hydrazides

Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Keywords: сернокислые растворы, цветные металлы, экстракция, гидразиды монокарбоновых кислот, протонодонорные добавки, sulphuric acid solutions, non-ferrous metals, extraction, monocarboxylic acid hydrazides, proton-donor additives


Extraction of nickel, cobalt, zinc and iron (III) with Versatic 10 acid hydrazides in a mixture with proton donor additives (HR) - 2-ethylhexanol, Cyanex 272, Versatic 10, was investigated. It was demonstrated that all mixtures of Versatic 10 acid hydrazides with HR could be used for effective purification of cobalt solutions from nickel. By the efficiency impact on the separation selectivity Ni and Co they form the following row: Versatic 10 > Cyanex 272 > 2-ethylhexanol. Mixtures of Versatic 10 acid hydrazides that are characterized by the maximum separation factors of nickel and cobalt: βNi/Co = 890-2240 are of the greatest interest. Additionally, extraction systems based on Versatic 10 acid hydrazides can be used for isolating nickel from iron-containing solutions, as well as when purifying zinc sulphate solutions from nickel. In a mixture of Versatic 10 acid hydrazides and 2-ethylhexanol, the following extraction order is observed: Ni > Fe(III) > Co > Zn. The following separation factors of metals were obtained at pH 1.5: βNi/Co ≈ 400, βNi/Fe = 50, βNi/Zn = 630, βCo/Zn ≈ 1.6, i. e. nickel can be extracted from solutions containing these impurities. Extracting zinc and cobalt from iron-containing solutions is impossible, as and cobalt from zinc solutions due to extremely low separation factors of this pair of metals. The data on hydrazides based on tert -monocarboxylic acids obtained for the first time can be optimized, since extraction characteristics will depend heavily on various factors including the concentration of components in the organic phase, their ratio, the type of proton donors (alkylphenols, monocarboxylic acids, etc .), composition of the water phase etc . The work results are of practical interest for the hydrometallurgy of nickel, cobalt and zinc.