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Advanced Search

Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2016 year, number 11

The control algorithm for adaptive optics system based on the focal spot radius minimizing

D.A. Yagnyatinskiy, D.M. Lyakhov, A.N. Borshevnikov, V.N. Fedoseyev
Scientific Research Institute of Scientific and Production Association В«Luch», 142100, Podolsk, 24, Zheleznodorozhnaja str
Keywords: алгоритм управления, адаптивная оптическая система, фокальное пятно, численное моделирование, волновой фронт, аберрации второго порядка, control algorithm, adaptive optical system, focal spot, numerical modeling, wave front, second order aberration


The control algorithm for adaptive optics system, which works using focal spot of the light beam, is proposed. Algorithm is based on the analytical relationship between spot-radius and the changing of the deformable mirror surface. A numerical modeling, which confirms this dependence and the opportunity of its usage for wave front correction, has been carried out. Some experimental results that point out the opportunity of using the algorithm in practice have been presented.